Still Moving

Still Moving

I was missing the earth so much that I watched a 98 minute movie of the light changing from day to night high up in the Sierra Nevadas. The trees are beautiful in the way trees are, but not too showy. There is no discernible movement in the frame beyond the changing...


Fall already freaking jam packed with openings “The winter is coming” It’s official, Chicago artists are back from their residencies and vision quests and it is time for the fall gallery season. Inaugurated this weekend with about a million openings...
Episode 419: Adriana Salazar

Episode 419: Adriana Salazar download This week: BAS on the west coast! We talk to Adriana Salazar and John Spiak, director and chief curator of the Grand Central Art Center, which has an exhibition of...
On Lascaux

On Lascaux

This piece was originally submitted to Chicago Artist Writers: Guest post by Daniel Baird In the recent Field Museum exhibition ‘Scenes from the Stone Age: The Cave Paintings of Lascaux,’ perfect replicas of a 20,000 year old archaeological site in the...