Sub-rural # 19, Susan Snodgrass Interview, Part 2.

Sub-rural # 19, Susan Snodgrass Interview, Part 2.

(Here is part 2 of an interview that first appeared in my August Sub-rural blog with the noted independent critic and curator Susan Snodgrass. She has written for print and online publications, served as a Corresponding Editor of Art in America for twenty years, and...


1. Josephine Pryde: Club Med October 8, 8-11PM Soccer Club Club: 2923 N Cicero Ave   2. Sage Smith & Heather Polk: Ways Of Another Place October 7, 6-9PM Blanc Gallery: 4445 S Martin Luther King Dr   3. Andrea Carlson: The Waves May Break Here Still...
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (9/29-10/5)

TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (9/29-10/5)

1. Liz McCarthy: MONSTRARE September 30, 7-10PM Belong Gallery: 2712 W North Ave   2. Ambrin Ling: Hidden, Harmless, Human & Armando Roman: El Sol Infernal y la Semana Eterna, With Fawn Penn: A Pot is a Home in the Milwaukee Ave. Window Gallery September 30,...
Bad at Art Forum #9: New Art (M)others

Bad at Art Forum #9: New Art (M)others

Installing my booth for This Art Fair, Amsterdam, July 6 (2022), 25 weeks pregnant As a 37-week-pregnant artist, I’m down to the wire on a major life shift. There are many resources for new and existing (m)other artists, compiled over a dizzying variety of...
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (9/22-9/28)

TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (9/22-9/28)

1. LATIFA ALAJLAN: Under my skin September 24, 5-7:30PM FLXST Contemporary: 2251 S Michigan Ave   2. Nelly Agassi: No Limestone, No Marble September 24-January 15, 2022 Chicago Cultural Center: 78 E Washington St   3. Jennifer Warren: Matters of the Dark...
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (9/15-9/21)

TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (9/15-9/21)

1. Finding Ceremony September 16, 5-7:30PM Austin Town Hall: 5610 W Lake St Work by: Janelle Ayana Miller, Kenya Cree, Eseosa Edebiri, Tavia David, Cai Thomas, Antonia “Toni” Ruppert, JaMaa, Alexy Irving, Edna M. Togba, and collaborators Jade Williams and Cristable...