Sub-Rural #39, Paul Catanese

Sub-Rural #39, Paul Catanese

“My work as a hybrid media artist results in projects that are expressed through multi-modality.” Paul Catanese employs intricate studio customs and explores a wealth of media platforms. He uses a radically combinative critical practice to uncover psychological and...
Sub-Rural #38, William Villalongo

Sub-Rural #38, William Villalongo

William Villalongo’s current survey at the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art titled “Myths and Migrations” is a twenty-year survey of paintings, collages, and mixed media organized by the Grinnell College Museum of Art. Villalongo’s work, which circulates symbols of...
Sub-Rural #37, Do No Harm Month

Sub-Rural #37, Do No Harm Month

“Comin’ in from London, from over the pole Flyin’ in a big airliner Chickens flyin’ everywhere around the plane Could we ever feel much finer?” * Madison, Wisconsin isn’t London but It’s a point in an archipelago of Great Lake...
Sub-Rural #36, Rosalyn Schwartz

Sub-Rural #36, Rosalyn Schwartz

  Cut flowers in vases are a codification and confiscation of nature and aesthetically masterful. The vase alone denotes a significant stratification of education and class. On the other hand, there’s the genre of botanical art, which hung near the lowest rung of...
Sub-Rural #35, Monsters Redux

Sub-Rural #35, Monsters Redux

It’s no secret that the east coast art economy attracts more industry affiliates than it can support. Subsequently thousands artists become dispersed in differently-sized communities with their own subjects, traditions, and patronage each year. The ideal place for...