1. Liz McCarthy: MONSTRARE

September 30, 7-10PM
Belong Gallery: 2712 W North Ave
2. Ambrin Ling: Hidden, Harmless, Human & Armando Roman: El Sol Infernal y la Semana Eterna, With Fawn Penn: A Pot is a Home in the Milwaukee Ave. Window Gallery

September 30, 6PM
Roots & Culture: 1034 N Milwaukee Ave
3. Tegan Brozyna Roberts: Vestige

October 2, 11AM-2PM
Material: 2025 W Belmont Ave
4. Alma Domínguez: Sisterhood

September 30, 6PM
OPEN Center for the Arts: 2214 S Sacramento Ave
5. Toby Zallman / Josue Pellot

October 1, 6PM
Ignition project space: 3839 W Grand Ave
Hey Chicago, submit your events here.
The Visualist, www.thevisualist.org, is more than just a list of dates and events on the internet. It's a really long list of dates and events for exhibitions, artist talks, receptions, festivals, panels, performances, readings, fairs, workshops, and curated content all kinds. At its heart the Visualist is really a cursory archive of actions and engagements throughout Chicagoland. In time, this archive will reach back to the Brunswick Building fire of 1989. While creating this image of Chicago's cultural work, the Visualist is also being updated throughout the week to provide as complete and accurate a day-to-day accounting of these activities as is possible.
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