1. Lindsey Dorr-Niro, David Sprecher February 18, 5-8PM Wedge Projects: 1448 W Howard St 2. Shonna Pryor: Of Portals And Pathways II: Fiscal Frontiers February 19, 1-4PM Evanston Art Center: 1717 Central St, Evanston 3. They have to seek it out February...
This week Duncan sits down with Paul Gray in front of a live audience at Columbia College Chicago to talk about the history of Gray Gallery, the legacy of Richard Gray, how “the sausage gets made” in the art world, 60 years of supporting artists and what the next 60 years will look like, and Marcel Proust?
1. Clarisse Casalino: Pill Bottles Make Terrible Roller Skates February 10, 5-9PM PRESS HERE: 410 S Michigan Ave #419 2. David Nasca & Ava Wanbli: Soft Bodies in the Shimmering Mirage February 10, 5-9PM Roots & Culture: 1034 N Milwaukee Ave 3....
1. Michael Chambers and Millicent Kennedy: For Those Who Toil February 3, 5-9PM Purple Window Gallery: 2233 S Throop St. #845 2. Maggie Wong: UNITY February 5, 1-4PM Chinese American Museum of Chicago: 238 W 23rd St 3. Myra Greene: Kept February 4,...
Since the early 1970’s Gerda Meyer Bernstein has produced work that tweaks the genetic material of sculpture, installation, and even performance art, more recently in tandem with the late gallerist and friend Ingrid Fassbender, who continued to represent the artist...