Sub-rural #12, Geographic Mega-parcels
Contemporary art exists under duress in rural America. The artworld still traffics in an obsolete nature vs. culture dichotomy, not through individual works that explore the hybridity of art language or identity, but in nature as synonymous with rural, (what...
Episode 792: The Interview Show and Mark Bazer
Mark Bazer joins us to talk about the 12 years he has been doing The Interview Show live from the Hideout and on their broadcast partner WTTW. We talk about the interview and how best to knock it out of the park.

1. Vikesh Kapoor: See You at Home March 4, 6-9PM Filter Space: 1821 W Hubbard St 2. Dr. Yaoundé Olu: Black Field / White Field March 6, 1-4PM Evanston Art Center: 1717 Central St, Evanston 3. SAM JAFFE: Muscle Memory March 4-April 9, 2022 65GRAND: 3252 W...