Bad at Art Forum #7: The Material Immaterial
The twentieth-century saw an influx of artworks and movements de-centring objecthood in pursuit of the immaterial, from the Modernist reduction of the traditional art object, to Conceptualist and Fluxist instructions for artworks, often created in the mind. It also...
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (5/12-5/18)
1. Jacqueline Surdell: Score! May 14, 2-5PM Devening Projects: 3039 W Carroll Ave 2. Hope Wang: before there was a hill there was a hole May 14, 6-9PM boundary: 2334 W 111th Pl 3. Gary LaPointe Jr: D O W N S H I F T May 14, 6-9PM Roman Susan: 1224 W...
Episode 801: Jeffrey Michael Austin
Everything Must Go, so let’s. Jeffrey Michael Austin — interdisciplinary artist and musician — joins Ryan Peter Miller and Jesse Something Malmed to talk about their reflective new exhibition at the Chicago Art Department. Hope in the dark, illusion, allusion, elusiveness, late capitalism, climate crisis, the collective, the needing-tending, the tenderness of a phrase like *help wanted* and enduring questions of scale and capacity guide our winding conversation. What else?