1. Parvin Peivandi: A seat for a tired ghost

May 7, 6-9pm
Ignition project space: 3839 W Grand Ave


2. Charlotte Fox: Sitting in Hard Chairs

May 6, 5-8pm
HG: 2000 W Carroll Ave


3. Rainn Thomas: Sanctified

May 7, 6-9pm
Co-Prosperity: 3219 S Morgan St


4. Circuition

May 6, 6-10pm
Mu Gallery: 1541 W Chicago Ave
Work by: Abraham Cone, Jake Fagundo, Christine Forni, Hai-Wen Lin and Katie Vota


5. Rirkrit Tiravanija: (who’s afraid of red, yellow, and green)

May 6-July 16, 2022
Wrightwood 659: 659 W Wrightwood Ave

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