Episode 726: Allison Peters Quinn and ARC2.0
If you love artist run spaces and Chicago this is the B@SC episode for you! Today we are joined in the studio by Hyde Park Art Center’s Director of Exhibitions, Allison Peters Quinn, to discuss Artists Run Chicago 2.0, opening to the public on April 5th. Allison reflects on the previous iteration of Artist Run Chicago in 2009 and gives us some insight into 2.0, which features 50 artists run spaces and projects with concurrent programming throughout the summer. Stay tuned until the end of the show when we touch on our recent chili competition nerve and Allison compels us to reveal our latest Bad at Sports project.

Noel Gray on Geometry, Virtual Reality, and the Creative Plane
As one among the swelling number of people grounded by covid-19, I’m using newfound time to do something about my backlog of unfinished projects. With the dire news pouring out of Italy, I moved this interview with Noel Gray to the top of my get-done list. In fact, if...