From Ed and all of us,
Our friend, community organizer, and rad human LOGAN BAY needs our help.
Late on Friday, March 24th, just after a community event he produced, Logan was unloading his own parked car in front of his own home when he was hit by an automobile. Both of Logan’s legs were crushed upon impact, and doctors had to remove his right leg below the knee and a portion of his left foot. He is now healing, and with a positive attitude, but as you can imagine there is still a long road ahead.
As you probably know, Logan Bay is a super wizard and multidimensional force for good in MANY people’s lives. A curator, organizer, musicmaker and broadcaster, comics guy, and all-around solid dude, Logan worked at Quimby’s, earned an MFA in Thailand, made a mural about superheroes in Rogers Park, and most recently has built, supported, and ran pretty much everything going on at Lumpen Radio and the Co-Prosperity Sphere. Not only does he care deeply about his communities, but he’s dedicated YEARS to bettering them as a neighbor and maker. And now: our friend needs our help.
Please donate to support his medical costs and recovery…
From the Reader…
- Episode: 854 Chicago Abortion Fund and the Heyl Brothers - October 2, 2023
- Artist Poem #1: Zach Cahill! - April 25, 2022
- Episode 771: Foundation with Kayvon Tehranian and Lindsay Howard - July 22, 2021