AIDS Demo Graphics

AIDS Demo Graphics

One night in the mid-80s, my friends and I were walking along Capitol Hill, and there on the lawn of Seattle Community College was a group of men holding a candlelight vigil. There were only four or five of them. We asked them what the vigil was about. One man gave me...
Top 5 Weekend Picks (4/27 & 4/28)

Top 5 Weekend Picks (4/27 & 4/28)

1. Spectral Landscape (with Viewing Stations) at Gallery 400 Work by Polly Apfelbaum, Ali Bailey, John Baldessari, Madison Brookshire and Tashi Wada, Zachary Buchner, Tyree Callahan, Anne Collier, Jacob Dahlgren, Jose Dávila, Gaylen Gerber, Adam Grossi, Gary Hill,...
Background Color : An Interview with Matthew Goulish

Background Color : An Interview with Matthew Goulish

Over the last several months, I have been working with Matthew Goulish as an editor and publisher of his forthcoming collection of essays, The Brightest Thing in the World: Three Essays from the Institute of Failure. Over the course of that process, questions began to...
Works Sited: Time-Lapse at SITE Santa Fe

Works Sited: Time-Lapse at SITE Santa Fe

SITE Santa Fe, my home city’s premiere contemporary art exhibition space, has a good track record with moving images. Among the many stand out pieces in the Klaus Ottmann-curated 2006 biennial Still Points of the Turning World was Carsten Nicolai‘s immersive...
Episode 347:Katharina Fritsch

Episode 347:Katharina Fritsch download This week: We talk to artist Katharina Fritsch! Richard says “cock” and “Hologram Tupac” a whole lot. Katharina Fritsch is known for her sculptures...