by Shane McAdams | Jan 23, 2012 | Blog
Sunday through Wednesday I maintain an art studio and flop with my in-laws in a pastoral town in Central Wisconsin, and teach art at a small Catholic school nearby. I fly back to Brooklyn, NY each Wednesday night on AirTran flight 511. I’ve become one of those guys...
by Guest | Jan 20, 2012 | Blog
Guest Post by Monica Westin The first time I saw Karsten Lund’s project, currently exhibiting at Peregrine Program, while still evolving in the workspace in his apartment, I immediately thought of Difference and Repetition, Gilles Deleuze’s exploration of...
by stephanieburke | Jan 19, 2012 | Blog
1. I Give You All My Money at The Renaissance Society Work by Cathy Wilkes. The Renaissance Society is located at 5811 S Ellis Ave. Reception Sunday, 4-7pm. 2. STUCK UP at maxwell colette gallery “A selected history of alternative & pop culture told through...
by Caroline Picard | Jan 18, 2012 | Blog
When following an agenda or thesis of some kind — in this case, my steady and probing look at hybridity — one often tries to fit multiple practices under one umbrella: there is a desire to keep everything neat and tidy, in order, I suppose, to embolden an...
by Duncan | Jan 18, 2012 | Blog
So, as many of you know we are in the beginning stages of our second project with NYC’s apexart. We will let you know more as the project evolves but our next jam will be dropping February 9th in NYC. In the mean time, our friends would like to work with you...