Nomadic Corner Stones: An Interview with RK Projects

Nomadic Corner Stones: An Interview with RK Projects

Often art spaces emerge in response to rumbling (and specific) undercurrents in a given community. In the Artists Run Chicago Digest — a book I put together with threewalls that examines artist-run art spaces in Chicag0 between 1999 and 2009— almost every...
Episode 324: Anders Nilsen

Episode 324: Anders Nilsen download This week: Richard and Duncan talk with Anders Nilsen. Anders Nilsen was born in northern New Hampshire in 1973. He grew up splitting his time between the mountains of New...
The Observer: An Interview with Jacqueline Goss

The Observer: An Interview with Jacqueline Goss

In 1934 a weather observatory positioned on New Hampshire’s Mt. Washington measured the highest wind speeds ever recorded on the earth’s surface. 231 mph. It would seem the recorded record has recently been broken, but I don’t think that makes the idea of 231 mph wind...
Paul McCartney Between Art and Pop

Paul McCartney Between Art and Pop

As Paul McCartney played “Paperback Writer” during his concerts at Wrigley Field this past July, details from Richard Prince’s nurse paintings flashed behind him on stage four stories high. I was confused. For a concert with...
From the Bad at Sports Archives: Rodney Graham

From the Bad at Sports Archives: Rodney Graham

The latest in our “From the Archives” spotlight is dated February 11, 2007: Richard Holland, Duncan MacKenzie and Meg Onli talk to Rodney Graham on the occasion of his solo exhibition at Donald Young Gallery. And hey, coincidentally, Rodney Graham has a...