Chicago Mag Names BaS Best Podcast of 2008

Chicago Mag Names BaS Best Podcast of 2008

Chicago Magazine has doubled down on a bad bet they made in February by not only backing the statement they made that Bad at Sports was one of the best Chicago art sites but now has named it the Best Podcast of 2008. Everyone here wants to say thank you for the award...
Episode 152: Anne Wilson

Episode 152: Anne Wilson download This week: Duncan and Shannon Stratton talk to artist Anne Wilson. From Anne Wilson’s website: “My work evolves in a conceptual space where social and political...


For those of who loved Anne Elizabeth Moore’s interview last year , the CBC’s show Q has done a recent response to the erosion of the artist Fauxreel’s integrity and his new campaign for Vespa. They also talk about the “outing” of Banksy....