
Triple Exclamation Points. B@SC presents the top of the call sheet for the P.O.W.E.R. Project. In addition to being the acronym to end all acronyms – Preparation, Organization, Wonderment, Empowerment, Resistance – this project is the brilliant baby of the Comfort Station and the Art Leaders of Color Network (ACLN). Jordan Martins discusses the origin story of the Comfort Station, Felicia Holman spills about her Honey Pot Performance, and Nina Yeboah tells the tale of her project,Chicago Reading Africa.

We steeped some T, discussing the spectacle that is MCA’s Murakami exhibition.

We got to take our Duncan MacKenzie surrogate, Jesse Malmed, for a test drive. <winky face>

And above all, we celebrated the life, death and birthday of the purple one himself, PRINCE.
