by Keeley Haftner | Dec 20, 2021 | Blog
An artist’s aesthetic, as William Kentridge once noted, often comes into existence by way of that which has been let in out of necessity. An artist’s cosmology, however, is built. Think Henry Darger’s (1)Vivian Girls, or Trenton Doyle Hancock’s “Mounds”...
by Visualist Chicago | Dec 16, 2021 | Blog
1. Pauline Kochanski: 3rd-Arc December 17, 5-10PM Oliva Gallery: 3816 W Armitage Ave 2. Small Works Members Exhibition: Closing Reception December 18, 12-4PM Woman Made Gallery: 2150 S Canalport Work by: Marianna Buchwald, Amy Bernard, Ann C. Quinn, Ann...
by Visualist Chicago | Dec 9, 2021 | Blog
1. Stacia Yeapanis: Reliquaries for Clinging and Letting Go December 12, 11AM-2PM Material: 2025 W Belmont Ave 2. Bells for Her December 12, 3-6PM RUSCHWOMAN: 2100 S Marshall Blvd, Unit 105 Work by: Ále Campos, Marylu E. Herrera, and Alayna N. Pernell 3....
by Paul Krainak | Dec 6, 2021 | Blog
Bruno David moved his gallery from New York City to St. Louis in 2004. In the process he wedded a national and global art conversation with the Midwest and has remained equally attentive to artists who represent the breadth of St. Louis and the region. David...
by Visualist Chicago | Dec 2, 2021 | Blog
1. Rituals December 4, 12-4PM Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art: 2320 W Chicago Ave Work by: Brenton Good, Mandy Cano-Villalobos, and Marissa Voytenko 2. Mound Summit December 4, 10AM-3:30PM Center for Native Futures: Online 3. Every house has a door...
by Visualist Chicago | Nov 18, 2021 | Blog
1. Rachel Harrison: Assorted Varieties November 19, 2021-January 8, 2022 Corbett vs. Dempsey: 2156 W Fulton St 2. as a sort of cloud rather than a bubble November 20, 6-10PM LVL3 Gallery: 1542 N Milwaukee Ave Work by Juan Neira and Clare Gatto 3....