TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (10/5-10/11)

TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (10/5-10/11)

1. J. Kent: mille tendresse-mille fleurs October 6, 6-9PM Roman Susan: 1224 W Loyola Ave   2.Cory Perry and Nnaemeka C. Ekwelum: All of Living is Risk October 7, 12-3:30PM South Side Community Art Center: 3831 S Michigan Ave   3. Jason Dunda October 8, 2-5PM...
Sub-Rural # 31, Christopher Sperandio

Sub-Rural # 31, Christopher Sperandio

Christopher Sperandio has been a big fan of cartooning since his youth. He sensed early that comics were a great way to disparage privileged culture, parody the middle class, and speak plainly to conventional publics – which of course he has also had the pleasure to...
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (9/28-10/4)

TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (9/28-10/4)

1. Sonya Bogdanova: No Weepholes September 29, 7-9PM Parlour and Ramp: 2130 W 21st St   2. Tong Liu: Gathering, Then Losing September 29, 8PM Co-Prosperity: 3219 S Morgan St   3. Open Lab: Sofía Gabriel “Cíclos” September 29, 7-8PM High Concept Labs: 2333 S...
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (9/21-9/27)

TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (9/21-9/27)

1. Vivian Chiu: And, Or, Not September 23, 4-7PM FLXST Contmeporary: 2251 S Michigan Ave   2. Esau McGhee: Graceful Exit (Exhibit B) September 23, 6-9PM boundary: 2334 W 111th Pl   3. Judy Fiskin September 24, 3-6PM RUSCHWOMAN: 2100 S Marshall Blvd   4....
TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (9/14-9/20)

TOP V. WEEKEND PICKS (9/14-9/20)

1. Jade Nava: el ombligo de la Luna September 15, 7PM Citlalin Gallery: 2005 S Blue Island Ave   2. Cydney M. Lewis: Beauty Amongst Darkness September 15, 6-9PM Elephant Room Gallery: 704 S Wabash Ave   3. Audrey Gallacher: Wonder Room September 15, 6-9PM...


1. Abbey Muza: Reciter son corps September 10, 2-5PM slow dance: 319 N Albany Ave, Chicago   2. Carris Adams: Signs All Kinds September 10, 12PM Goldfinch: 319 N Albany Ave   3. Journie Cirdain: Memento Vivere September 8, 5-8PM Western Exhibitions: 1709 W...