Today on Bad at Sports(center center center center), curator and media artist Emily Eddy joins Ryan, Diana and Jesse in the cave to discuss this weekend’s Onion City Experimental Film and Video Festival, which she curated. We talk the talk about talking about moving images (which used to be movies and before that films and at some point in there videos), about recent trends in the field, about programming strategies, about the Nightingale’s tenth anniversary (!!!) and what it is teens are or are into. It’s probably radio and probably newspapers, but who knows.
Rituals and Ceremonies abound as Brian and Jason sit with Frank Mauguri, Creative Director of Cabinet of Curiosity Events and the legendary Red Moon Theater. Frank unpacks his creative journey through the frames of spectacle, intimacy, and and a chilling brain diagnosis.
This week on Bad At Sports Center, Jesse and Dana wax on in anticipation of an otherworldly interview with Becca Kaufman, aka Jennifer Vanilla. A hybrid character given to live performance, music, and stand up, Vanilla joins us to discuss her current tour and what she has cooking when the Queen returns to Queens.
Hosts Brian Andrews and Dana Bassett welcome photographer Jennifer Bastian and the triumphant return of DJ Super Older Brother, Duncan Mackenzie. Bastian elucidates the art of unpacking trauma, human connection, and we put out even more opinions on the recently unveiled Smithsonian Obama portraits into the world. Oh, and, Dana got married. All on this episode of Bad at Sports Center.
Contemporary Witches join us to smash the patriarchy. Jessica Caponigro, Chiara Galimberti, and Isyemille Lara introduce us to the “Women’s International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell” and give us one last chance to repent.