Episode 731: the Journal of Artist Books and the Center for Book and Paper (and Print)
This week we are joined by the Journal of Artist Books, Brad Freeman, and the Center for Book and Paper, then the Center for Book, Paper, and Print’s, Mel Potter. We talk about the closure of these two historic artworld fixtures, the impact on the landscape of Chicago, hole it leaves nationally, And the choice by Columbia College Chicago to close the center and fold it into the department of Art and Art History.

Episode 730: Indoor Recess with Jessica Stockholder
Indoor recess persists this week as the Bad at Sports crew talk podcast walks, colorful garbage, toilet paper paintings, and Thomas Kinkade. All in the service of presenting a throwback episode with living legend Jessica Stockholder.

Events are moving online now and so we bring you a Top V this week. We are sharing today a list of events and a range of resources to help keep you fed in many different ways. 1. Nancy VanKanegan: hOMe April 10, 5-10PM Oliva Gallery 2. This Place April 11-17,...
Episode 729: Today’s MFA
This week we check in from CAA 2020 in Chicago and is always at this conference we are discussing the MFA and what it does for you and me and all of us. To help us understand the recent evolution of these degrees we are joined by Ellen Mueller of the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, MK Guth of the Pacific Northwest College of Art, Lisa Iglesias of the University of Florida Gainesville, and Paul Catanese of Columbia College Chicago (yes, that is where Duncan works also.)