by Christopher Hudgens | Apr 13, 2015 | Podcast download This week we present the artist Mary Mattingly. We talk survival after the coming Robot wars, a life at sea, and how artists can relate to institutions while...
by Erin Leland | Apr 10, 2015 | Blog
Publicly announced two weeks ago, Ingrid Schaffner will curate the fifty-seventh Carnegie International, an exhibition staged every third to fifth year at the Carnegie Museum as the oldest international survey of art held in America. Until this appointment,...
by stephanieburke | Apr 9, 2015 | Blog
1. Robert Buck at Iceberg Projects New work by Robert Buck Iceberg Projects is located at 7714 N. Sheridan Rd. Reception Saturday, 6-9pm. 2. Geometry in Outer Space or Heaven at Monique Meloche Gallery Work by Karen Reimer. Monique Meloche Gallery is located at 2154...
by Duncan | Apr 8, 2015 | Blog
Saying good bye is always hard. But sometimes, saying good bye is more like saying “See you later.” This is the case for us this month at Bad At Sports. Both Richard Holland and Jamilee Polson Lacy have revised their participation with our project and...
by Jeriah | Apr 7, 2015 | Blog
For the past year and a half, I’ve been teaching Foundations at Northern Arizona University. Recently I was invited to present at a session at the FATE Conference “Tectonic Shifts” in Indianapolis. (The whole #boycottindiana thing didn’t start until our...