by Danny Orendorff | Feb 8, 2013 | Blog
Ian Curtis had epilepsy, and this particular disorder of his perhaps only exacerbated that self-loathsome something inevitably experienced by us all: our need and sometimes drastic dependency on others to calm us, support us, and keep us alive. Peter Hook, Joy...
by stephanieburke | Feb 7, 2013 | Blog
1. The Visitor’s Hours & Visitation Rites at The Franklin Work by Chris Smith. The Franklin is located at 3522 W. Franklin Blvd. Reception Saturday, 7-10pm. 2. Somebody’s Beauty & B.Z.C: Bent, Zigzag and Crooked at Linda Warren Projects Work by Ed...
by Thomas Friel | Feb 7, 2013 | Blog
Hollywood films follow very easy to read trends. They would be dumb not to, as they only have a few genres to regurgitate the same plots out over and over again: westerns, dramas, teen melodramas and coming of age films, the romantic comedy, slapstick comedy, the...
by Johannes Goransson | Feb 7, 2013 | Blog
An exhibit showcasing the Chicano arts collective ASCO, which was active in Los Angeles throughout most of the 1970s and 80s, is currently touring the North American continent. Unfortunately, it won’t be coming to Indiana any time soon, so I have had to make due...
by Kelly Shindler | Feb 6, 2013 | Blog
It’s a freezing afternoon on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and I’m sitting in the kitchen of Galen Gondolfi and Jessica Baran. We are surrounded by their marvelous collection of chrome toasters, heart-shaped cake pans, and other vintage housewares. Joining us...