The holidays are here again and that means it’s time for all of us to throw down on behalf of our favorite arts organizations.

Two that a few of us are involved in have events THIS WEEKEND!!!

Friday November 30th ACRE benefit at Heaven Gallery!

Saturday December 1st Industry of the Ordinary vs. Bad at Sports in a Keg Race (aka. a serious piss up) at Autotelic Gallery.

COME GET DRUNK WITH US. (I mean support good causes and good art.) You have TWO chances.

More below…

ACRE’s Annual Benefit & Auction on November 30 @ Heaven Gallery
November 30th, 2012

6-8pm - Elemental Cocktail Hour – $75
8pm-1am - Zodiac Spectra – $50/$25
11pm-1am - Lunar Late Night – $15

Heaven Gallery
1550 N Milwaukee Ave
ACRE is proud to announce our annual fundraiser at Heaven Gallery on November 30th.

Celebrate ACRE with an art auction and dance party. See into your future with personal tarot readings and astrological matchmaking, take in a performance by Spectralina and dance in DJ Jean Shorts‘ custom cosmic atmosphere.

We invite you to draw inspiration from the Zodiac and don attire befitting this stellar event!Make sure to check ACRE’s horoscope style blog to guide you.
Auction and Raffle featuring art works by:

Lauren Anderson, Caitlin Arnold, Claire Ashley, Zachary Buchner, Alex Chitty, Katy Cowan, Lorraine Dauw, Dan Devening, Chris Duncan, Paul Erschen, Ron Ewert, Edie Fake, Scott Fortino, Ben Funke, Aron Gent, Chiara Keeling Gonzalez, Jacob Chris Hammes, Jebediah Johnson, Jenny Kendler, Natalie Krick, Matt Lane, Meg Leary, Laura Letinsky, Sofia Leiby, Sarah Mosk, Jessie Mott, Laura Hart Newlon, Matt Nichols, Kristina Paabus, Michael Rea, Josh Reames, Joseph Rynkiewicz, Anna Shteynshleyger, Montgomery Perry Smith, Oli Watt, Sarah Weber, Andrew Norm Wilson and more.

Preview art works here.

Pre-order your tickets now and receive a discount on your admission!

ACRE Rising: Elemental Cocktail Hour – 6pm-8pm
Admission: $75
Pre-order: $70

Join us for a special preview event. ACRE’s celebrated chefs will be serving an array of beautiful dishes inspired by the Zodiac. This unique menu will be paired with elemental cocktails based on earth, wind, fire and water created by the accomplished mixologists at Hornswaggler. You will have the opportunity to select and purchase auction items before the main event begins and enjoy personal tarot readings by Claire Pentecost and lively music from Tip Top Records‘ David Warn.

ACRE Rising: Zodiac Spectra – 8pm-1am
Admission: $50/$25 for Students and ACRE Alumni
Pre-Order: $45/$20

Your admission includes unlimited drinks at our open bar sponsored in part by Lagunitas Brewing Co., access to a silent art auction with works from ACRE residents and friends, as well as the opportunity to participate in a raffle of artworks and unique gift items. Students and ACRE alumni are offered a special door price of $25.


ACRE Rising: Lunar Late Night – 11pm-1am
Admission: $15

Want to participate in ACRE Rising but can’t arrive until later? We would love to have you. Enjoy a reduced door price and our open bar from 11pm to 1am. Although the ACRE auction and raffle will be closed, you can still dance the night away with DJ Jean shorts and show ACRE your support.


We deeply appreciate your attendance and support for this event. Your participation will help ACRE continue to provide meaningful support for emerging artists from across the country.


November 17, 2012
Autotelic Studios + Third Thursday = Micro-Residency
We just wanted to give you a heads up…As some of you may know, what once stood as Autotelic Gallery now functions as a shared art studio housing the work spaces of seven local artists. This Fall, Autotelic Studios teamed up with local arts syndicate Third Thursday Symposium to form a collaborative project called Twofold Projects, and we are developing a Micro-Residency program that is set to open up in the Autotelic storefront! The deadline for submissions is coming up fast, so we wanted to make sure we spread the word far and wide!  And, a little birdie told us that you appreciate a good brew… we’re having a Keg Race to fund the Micro-Residency and keep the tuition cost low for the participating artists.***Join us on December 1st, 2012 for the Industry of the Ordinary vs. Bad At Sports Keg Race!***International performance duo Industry of the Ordinary will be pitted against the infamous Bad At Sports podcast crew in a good old fashioned beer drinking contest. Anyone and everyone can participate by getting sponsors to pledge money for each beer they consume at the event. At the end of the evening, we’ll tally the Dixie cups and announce the winner! The fine, fine folks at Moonshine Brewery have been gracious enough to donate beer for the event… so who wouldn’t want to get in on that bubbly tastiness! Want to get in on the drinking and help raise some moolah? Send out this form to your friends and get them to sponsor your boozing! Just have them enter your name in the “Who are you sponsoring?” section and have your drinks on somebody else’s dime ;) RSVP to our Facebook event and invite your friends!

Want to apply for the residency? Get more details about the Micro-Residency and how to apply by visiting our website, here. 
The deadline for Winter/Spring session applications is midnight, December 1st, 2012. 

Copyright © 2012 Autotelic Studios All rights reserved.
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Autotelic Studios

2959 North Springfield Avenue

Chicago, Illinois 60618

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