Great Stuff: Hark! A Vagrant

Great Stuff: Hark! A Vagrant

This week we are trying something new. Truth be told, we were planning on trying something new at the beginning of January but due to various mishaps we are two months late. The snappy-est title we could come up with “Great Stuff.” What that really is a...
Fox in the Hen House

Fox in the Hen House

There is a fox in the museum. It is the only thing that moves in the whole space: is this why the fox’s presence is so striking? Because it alone is unpredictable within the camera frame? Because it might do something to the paintings? No one else is present....
Episode 345: Martha Wilson

Episode 345: Martha Wilson download This week: Another of our interviews from the Hand in Glove conference! Duncan and Patricia speak with artist Martha Wilson. Martha Wilson is a Philadelphia based feminist...
Endless Opportunities (Or Something)

Endless Opportunities (Or Something)

  Every week a flood of emails come in and while most are super boring, some are genuine things from genuine people we love and want to share. As always, feel free to email us with magical things to post and help spread the Internet word around. Highlights...