by Sarah Margolis-Pineo | Oct 13, 2011 | Blog
I feel like I’m on a bit of a mission to prove to Bad at Sports readers that not all Detroit artists trespass into abandoned buildings, cultivate urban prairie, or become beekeepers to create work in this city. Admittedly, tactics of urban intervention are a...
by Caroline Picard | Oct 13, 2011 | Blog
check out the beginning of this interview by going here. In the first part of my interview with Dirt Palace, we talk about how the organization started and what it looked like in it’s nacent stages. It began as an idea for a bookstore, then morfed into a not for...
by Caroline Picard | Oct 12, 2011 | Blog
There are many things to say about the Dirt Palace — an impossible many. It started in 2000 as an artist-run performance space in Olneyville, the same neighborhood that used Fort Thunder used to be in. The building is old. It used to have many more floors (as you...
by Christopher Hudgens | Oct 11, 2011 | Podcast download This week: Another chapter in our festival of social practice! We talk to Mark Allen, Founder and Director, Machine Project, Los Angeles, CAÂ and Allison Agsten, Curator of...
by Duncan | Oct 11, 2011 | Blog
Tomorrow Tonight Richard Holland and Duncan MacKenzie host a live discussion with some amazing folks at the De Paul Art Museum… Come check it out!!! Making it in Chicago: Building an Art Career in the Second City September 19, 2011 Panelists include: Monique...