Top 5 Weekend Picks (11/4-11/6)

Top 5 Weekend Picks (11/4-11/6)

1. Archival Impulse at Gallery 400 Work by  The Alliance of Pentaphilic Curators (Jason Dunda and Teena McClelland), John Arndt, Conrad Bakker, Dexter Sinister, Christa Donner, Kota Ezawa, Edie Fake, Eric Fleischauer, Stephen Lapthisophon, Jason Lazarus, Dani...

Open to this Engagement?

Here we are at the end of this cycle of the Social Practice (SoPra) interviews from Open Engagement 2011 and just in time we received this posting from the magical land of Portland… OPEN ENGAGEMENT is an international conference that sets out to explore various...
Hello. I’d like To Redirect Your Call…

Hello. I’d like To Redirect Your Call…

This is a quick note—I’m at home with a head cold and a little brain-dull too; to that end, I’m going to abdicate my writing priviledges today by pointing to another blog instead. Art Threat posted a list of/excerpts from 10 Documentary Films on...