Come See The “Big Picture”

Come See The “Big Picture”

Tom Sanford with friend, collaborator and fellow genius painter, Ryan Schneider have been working on the show “Big Picture” for about a year and are very proud and excited for it. In simplest terms BIG PICTURE is just that, a show of big pictures. The...
Episode 253: Nils Norman

Episode 253: Nils Norman download This week: We talk with artist and visionary Nils Norman. Nils Norman was born in Kent, England in 1966. He studied fine Art Painting BA Hons at St. Martins School of Art in...
Opportunities at apexart Gallery

Opportunities at apexart Gallery

“Commercial” Art: Video Call Open call for video submissions with an opportunity to win $2,000. Accepting submissions through October 31, 2010. Commercials may or may not be the most creative thing on TV or the Internet, but we know you can make them...
Top 5 Weekend Picks! (7/2-7/4)

Top 5 Weekend Picks! (7/2-7/4)

Hello again ya’ll! Hope you had fun last weekend without me. I had a grand old time down in Missouri with the Zombie Squad crew, kicking it in Manbath, going to the range, and floating down and annoying low but none the less relaxing river. Oh yeah, and Motel 6...