RE:adymade @ ExtraExtra

RE:adymade @ ExtraExtra

In RE:adymade, going on display at Extra Extra in Philadelphia on August 6th, Constant Dullaart and Artie Vierkant have compiled and created a suite of works that address the dichotomy of material and ephemeral existence that occurs within digital and networked...

Monday Video Pick | Kristof Luyckx

Hermanos Inglesos feat. MeMe – Wanderland from Kristof Luyckx on Vimeo. Our video picks are back, but have moved to Monday! This weeks pick is Hermanos Inglesos’ music video Wanderland directed by Belgium artist Kristof Luyckx. Kristof Luyckx &...
Death, Apocalypse & Darkness

Death, Apocalypse & Darkness

Power The economy may be turning around again (what is it is now, the third time in a year or fourth?) but the Art world seems to be talking about nothing but death & loss. First off you have the well publicized and it seems anticipated Kanye West music video for...
Top 5 Weekend Picks! (7/30-8/1)

Top 5 Weekend Picks! (7/30-8/1)

It’s a slim weekend, and one I’m going to miss entirely because I’m headed out to Nevada City (no, it’s not in Nevada). But if I were here, these are what I’d try and hit up. In order of appearance… 1. Religare: Artists explore the...