
This week we welcome Dan s. Wang as a new Chicago Correspondent! He sits down to talk with the University of Chicago’s Wu Hung about the Smart Museum show “Displacement: The Three Gorges Dam and Contemporary Chinese Art.”

It is an excellent and interesting interview, however and unfortunately the last 10 minutes or so of this interview has same sort of technical glitch that created noise on the audio and makes the dialog difficult to hear, Bad at Sports regrets the problems.

Wu Hung (as lifted from the U of C website)
Harrie A. Vanderstappen Distinguished Service Professor of Art History, East Asian Languages & Civilizations, and the College; Director, Center for the Art of East Asia; Consulting Curator, Smart Museum of Art. Wu Hung specializes in early Chinese art, from the earliest years to the Cultural Revolution. His special research interests include relationships between visual forms (architecture, bronze vessels, pictorial carvings and murals, etc.) and ritual, social memory and political discourses. Also the consulting curator for the Smart Museum of Art, Hung is the author of Transience: Chinese Experimental Art at the End of the Twentieth Century (University Of Chicago Press, 1999), Monumentality in Early Chinese Art (Stanford University Press, 1995), Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting (Yale University Press, 1997), and the forthcoming Remaking Beijing: Tiananmen Square and the Creation of a Political Space. Hung grew up in Beijing and studied at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. From 1973 to 1978 he served on the research staff at the Palace Museum, located inside Beijing’s Forbidden City. He came to Chicago in 1994.

Dan S. Wang
Printer, artist, writer, activist who divides time between his old home in Chicago and his new home in Madison.
Wu Hung
Dan S. Wang
Liu Xiaodong
Yun-Fei Ji
Zhuang Hui
Chen Qiulin
Song Dong
Peter Fend
Xu Bing
Zhou Enlai
Cai Guo-Qiang
The Beatles

Christopher Hudgens