by Claudine Isé | Aug 5, 2009 | Blog
We don’t normally cover Chicago architecture and landscape issues in any depth on this blog, given that a) we’re nowhere near experts on the subject and b) the city has several stellar architecture journalists reporting on the scene and blogging daily...
by Meg Onli | Aug 4, 2009 | Blog
Plastic Bouquets-Man on the Moon from Richard Metzger on Vimeo. Today on Boing Boing Xeni Jardin posted long lost footage of the Andy Warhol produced musical Plastic Bouquets- Man on the Moon. “The play was conceived by John Phillips of the Mamas and the Papas...
by Claudine Isé | Aug 3, 2009 | Blog
I should say chimpsh*t, technically. We all know better than to mix our monkeys, chimps and bonobos, right? Artist Alison Ruttan has a longstanding interest in primate social interactions, and in her work she has often looked at chimp and bonobo behavior alongside...
by Claudine Isé | Aug 3, 2009 | Blog
In 1999 artists Michelle Grabner and Brad Killam co-founded The Suburban, a domestic art space in Oak Park, Illinois that in its decade of existence has become one of the Chicago area’s most highly regarded alternative galleries. This coming weekend will mark a...
by Christopher Hudgens | Aug 2, 2009 | Podcast download This week: Richard talks to Terry Scrogum, Executive Director of the Illinois Arts Council about the state of the budget, their programs and more! Next, Kathryn Born talks...