Tuesday’s Video Pick

Plastic Bouquets-Man on the Moon from Richard Metzger on Vimeo. Today on Boing Boing Xeni Jardin posted long lost footage of the Andy Warhol produced musical Plastic Bouquets- Man on the Moon. “The play was conceived by John Phillips of the Mamas and the Papas...
Going Apesh*t with Alison Ruttan

Going Apesh*t with Alison Ruttan

I should say chimpsh*t, technically. We all know better than to mix our monkeys, chimps and bonobos, right? Artist Alison Ruttan has a longstanding interest in primate social interactions, and in her work she has often looked at chimp and bonobo behavior alongside...
Episode 205: Terry Scrogum/Theaster Gates

Episode 205: Terry Scrogum/Theaster Gates

http://media.libsyn.com/media/badatsports/Bad_at_Sports_Episode_205-Scrogum-Gates.mp3 download This week: Richard talks to Terry Scrogum, Executive Director of the Illinois Arts Council about the state of the budget, their programs and more! Next, Kathryn Born talks...