Friday’s Links Roundup

Friday’s Links Roundup

Hope everyone has had a great week. On this weeks roundup we check out Murakami’s latest video for Louis Vuitton, a new article on Marina Abramovi?, and Wallpaper Magazine’s collection on Tart Cards. Have a good weekend and hopefully we will see you at the...
Top 5 for 6/12-6/14

Top 5 for 6/12-6/14

1. Green Lantern says it’s the end but we can still be friends… After 4 (or so) years going strong, the Green Lantern is closing it’s doors. Unfortunately The Man clamped down, and now we must say good bye, though hopefully only to the current space....
Rant of the Week: Warren Ellis at Wired U.K.

Rant of the Week: Warren Ellis at Wired U.K.

God, I love cranks. I love a well-written rant even more. If I can find enough of them, I’ll make this into a weekly series. Today’s rant (on internet chatter vs. newspaper reporting, among other topics) comes courtesy of comic book author Warren Ellis on...