Chicago Magazine names Bad at Sports on e of the city's top websites.
In February’s edition of Chicago Magazine ( soon to be on newsstands ) they rate the top websites that are Chicago focused and/or based.

Bad at Sports was kindly named and showcased in the Art & Culture category along with other Chicago resources as Sharkforum, Chicago Artists Resource & Paul Kline’s Artletter. Not to forget the personal writings of Edward Lifson, cough, cough.

We thank every listener that has made this possible for the last 2+ years & the editorial staff of Chicago Magazine for recognizing the hard work of a handful of Chicago street punks like us.

In true form we take the recognition with one hand and flip off the establishment with the other hand (minus a few fingers). At least thats what I think the artist handbook decrees, who knows we were never good with rules.

Christopher Hudgens