by Christopher Hudgens | Jun 14, 2007 | Blog
There’s a sad sort of clanging from the clock in the hall And the bells in the steeple too. And up in the nursery an ubsurd little bird Is popping out to say cook-coo cook-coo, cook-coo Regretfully they tell us cook-coo But firmly they compell us cook-coo To say...
by Duncan | Jun 13, 2007 | Blog
Email from Chris from Zeke’s Gallery Subject: Ridiculousness in Montreal Howdy! I hope all is well in your neck of the woods, and that you are enjoying the summer. I am writing to let you know about the latest step in this increasingly bizarre story, I am being...
by Christopher Hudgens | Jun 10, 2007 | Podcast download This week Michelle Grabner and Duncan interview Gaylen Gerber. “Gaylen Gerber’s work often incorporates the artwork of other artists in its realization. Gerber...
by Christopher Hudgens | Jun 4, 2007 | Blog
The City Council is on the verge of passing an ordinance that is bad for Chicago, bad for its citizens and particularly bad for the art community. We have proposed an alternative ordinance that will not be considered unless you act. We are the following groups: Bad...
by Christopher Hudgens | Jun 3, 2007 | Podcast download Are you tired of all the self obsessed, cynical, angry art that’s out there today? Well Alex Jovanovich is out there to fix what ails you and point you in...