Allright so my computer is fairly f-ed and therefore this show note will be even less witty than usual. A bunch of post-its are wedged between the keyboard and the video processor to hold it in place. Curse you IBM.
Duncan and Marc LeBlanc talk to Caleb Lyons of Old Gold Gallery and formerly of Art Ledge.
Duncan talks to artist Lisa Boumstein-Smalley about her new show at the Alfedena Gallery.
Brian Andrews and Marc LeBlanc talk to Justin Hansch about Justin’s Museum of Contemporary Art. We collectively apologize for the crappy sound quality on this one but we are working to correct the problem.
Sarah corrects BAS on their grammar.
Caleb Lyons
Old Gold
Art Ledge
Lisa Boumstein-Smalley
Alfedena Gallery
Justin Hansch
Justin’s Museum of Contemporary Art
Brandon Alvendia
Street Level
Katie Scalan
Stacie Johnson
Julia Marsh
The Reader
Time Out Chicago
Stanley Kubrick
Jack Nicholson
The Shining
J. Patrick Walsh III
John DiCosmo
Sze Lin Pang
Loo Bain
Alex Jovanovich
Lisa Boyle
Bucket Rider
Apt 1R
Michael X Ryan
John Brunetti
Evanston Art Center
Paul Kass
Martin Kippenberger
Jason Starr
Direct download: Bad_at_Sports_Episode_95_Old_Gold-Boumstein_Smalley.mp3
- Episode 893: Cecilia Beaven - February 19, 2025
- Episode 892: Process Process and Bench Press - February 13, 2025
- Episode 891: Dawit L. Petros & Onur Öztürk – Prospetto a Mare - February 5, 2025
Interesting show. Several things bothered me: Lisa sounded like she was only lightly touching on huge issues “Hurricane’s are bad and kill children” but otherwise it was a decent conversation, and the JMOCA interview was possibly the worst sounding thing ever on the show.
I thought the hipster discussion was excellent, although all parties were guilty as charged, props to Mark for not letting Caleb to get away with passing shots and following up.
I know the audio quality for JMOCA sucks. I am shamed and grovel before the Bad at Sport listeners.
(If it means anything, that was the last audio from a field recording trip to LA that was technically cursed so bad we were lucky to have any audio at all … damn digital technology.)
is duncan the epitomy of hipsterness?? thats awesome. this board should be blowing up with comments over this debate!
I’m a golden hipster wizard.
Marc, stop posting as me. I don’t think it is funny. I’m not a wizard.
That’s MarC with C doing that — NOT MarK with K, by the way. I do not support using aliases (unless obvious), false names, the names of others, or anything similar. Just use your own darn names.
It’s neither me or MSB. It is Duncan posting as himself, trying to stir things up. Real mature Duncan.
Duncan’s a WIZARD?!!!
Holy CRAP!
Duncan is indeed, the best part is when he puts on his wizard outfit and pointy hat and blares 2112.
Duncan, Duncan. So, is using your own name as a pseudonym the new shitty photography? Or something.
Your going to trust a dude named… LeKrunk? What is up with that MSB?
i love how Marc and Caleb arguing about who is a hipster is also like the pot calling the kettle…
Hmmmn…I wanted more content as well in the discussion of Lisa’s work…
A super kickass guest next show. Awesome stuff.
I listened to our conversation while in Canada…lovely, lovely Canada. Thanks for having me on and talking with me about my show and practice. I’ll check this blog out daily so ask me questions and I’ll answer ’em Mr. or Ms. Pointing and Balzac as well as any other takers.
as usual The Wizard and Richard rock and are hipper than hip.
Duncan was out last night wearing an outfit just like Geddy Lee’s on the 2112 album cover with a wizard hat on top it was so so awesome.
OK — so now I don’t trust anybody. Except the Shark and Amanda’s mom.
alex lifeson has a camel toe…
I think you should change the name of this operation to “The Priests of the Temple of Syrinx.”
You think I haven’t tried that!!!
I think Mark Staff Brandl is in love with the Shark?
No. Amanda’s Mom.
fcykyyqxmeh you too!
Um — by deleting the post above Ball Zak’s, you have destroyed his joke and make his comment seem a bit weird.
All of my comments are weird, no matter what gets deleted. I think I like the punch line, hanging lonely, by itself.
What? Censorship on bad at sports? Surely not.
We as a general blanket policy will not remove messages. However lately some genius figured out how to leave “bot” messages on blogs which have links to websites that install viruses on your machine. So I know Christopher has pulled several of those, the messages are generally gibberish which I suspect is what Ball Zax, or whatever his/her/it/their name is today was repsonding to.
Thanks Richard
Yeah, it was one of those silly emails — but Ballzac’s response was amusing.