Special Correspondent Tony Fitzpatrick interviews Time Out Chicago’s Ruth Lopez about just about everything. It’s an engaging and insightful conversation. Duncan and Richard chime in now and again.
The show closes with further proof that if there is an obscure musical tidbit in Tony’s past, we can find it.
Tony Fitzpatrick
Time Out Chicago
The Reader
Fred Camper
Chicago Tribune
Version Festival
Deb Sokolow
Hyde Park Art Center
Olympic Games
Michael Bloomberg
Millenium Park
Cloud Gate
Donald Young
Bodybuilder & Sportsman
Tattoo Gallery
Armory Show
Paul Klein
Wesley Kimler
Stray Show
Paul Morris
Matthew Marks
Takashi Murakami
Robert Crumb
Vanessa Del Rio
Richard Gray
David Klamen
The Art Institute of Chicago
Dan Devening
Zak Prekop
Martin Prekop
Museum of Contemporary Photography
Hans Hoffman
KN Gallery
Alfedena Gallery
Edward Gorey
DePaul Museum of Art
Corbett vs. Dempsey
John Corbett
I- Space
Old Gold
David Bowie
Kehinde Wiley
The Whitney Biennial
Giorgio Morandi
Marlene Dumas
Peter Schjeldahl
Damien Hirst
Wes Mills
John Graham
Alfred Jensen
Joseph Cornell
Kurt Schwitters
Louise Bourgeois
Carl Hammer
Rhona Hoffman
The Clayton
Camille Rose Garcia
Mike Kelley
Ed Ruscha
Steve Earle
Direct download: Bad_at_Sports_Episode_90_Lopez-Fitzpatrick.mp3
- Episode 896: Beth Hetland and Kyle O’Connell - March 13, 2025
- Episode 895: Emma Bergman - March 6, 2025
- Episode 894: Hoof Print Press & Immaterial Publications - March 4, 2025
“Wait before I agree, who wants some?”
Jeanne Dunning would kick your ass Duncan. Seriously.
Lets see….who else would sign on…I’ll come up with a list….
Hey — I’ve tried posting here three times, and each time it appears and then disappears. Do you have a mystical voodoo force shield out against me?!!
As I keep trying to say:
1. I was a part of the Artists Project and had a great time, sold a lot, made many good contacts, loved the artist contact,
am a GREAT artist,
with some renown, and usually with representation (which is not all it is cracked up to be by beginning artists), …
2. AND …… I believe the AP MUST be re-imagined dramatically.
3. Olga — Wow! You’ve got guts. As I remember you and I differed more over the quality of Chicago’s critical “opportunities.†See people, she argued with ol’ Sharky, as I often do, and he hasn’t killed us yet, so quit the chirping about that he “intimidates†people into not talking. He only intimidates scardy cats and stirs up those who actually hate his telling of the truth, as far as I can see.
4.Erik — you can’t make snide comments like you did about Tony F or “retarded†comments like the Klein thing and then criticize others for doing the same. I think you THINK you are a defender of somethingorother, but you come across as more of a Wanna-Be-Consensus-Houseboy than I think you realize. Look in the mirror first, then attack.
5. Yes, I know I’m kind of an asshole too in attacks — although not everyone sees that because my writing and speaking style are simply more amusing, and because, being in the Sharkpack, I am then compared to Wesley, which makes me look like a friendly, civil type in comparison. But really I’m not. If you catch me being too aggressive, please tell me, them I will yell at you and deny it.
6. Don’t forget that in Wesley’s attacks is always an eye for quality, and much forgotten central point of art.
7. I guess we cannot be nice — but that is NOT all bad! Here in Europe everybody tends to be “nicey-nice†“kissy-kiss†then does the complaining secretly. Doing it in the open is the Chicago, and American, way and frankly I find it refreshing.
8. That said, to get back to the content of the show, make a CHOICE to be international, and proudly Chicagoan (no Malinchismo), make HIGH quality art, stop being obsequious and take friendly enough so that we can argue about CONTENT, but not so friendly as to make everything “okay.â€
9. So maybe there were only a handful of good and active artists in AP — was it really much different in the main show? The percentage there was higher in fame, but also rather low on the average in quality. I DO think though that we have to keep coming up with ways to empower artists and get them to take their lives into their own hands and stop kissing ass. Which means such “alternatives†need to be EVEN higher in quality than the main shows if we are to make our vision clearly understood.
You guys started referencing the Rashid Johnson show in the episodes around the 40s and 50s. I tried to download that one (one of the first) and it’s not there. Have you since reposted that show so I can hear your comments about Rashid’s Johnson? Pesonally, I think his work is pretty fuckin good.
And the show with Erik W. on it was really a chore to suffer through. It sounds like a couple 8th graders in their basement with mom’s tape recorder. Listen to it again. I really couldn’t believe you guys put that one out. Revist the shows with William Conger or james Elkins for example. The information, perspective and general seriousness don’t jibe. Or for loose fun and humor, Hamza Walker. Erik’s site is fine but that interview, well…
I’ll get in the fight night.
Now, now, while I don’t often see things Erik’s way, and I think his dismissal of Bridge was inaccurate, AND I think the Paul thing was utter BS, I do think mean spirited name-calling is not helping anyone. Seriously if you want to attack someone’s intellectual prowess, or position on an issue, I know from you prior posts and bits on the show that you are capable of a solid argument.
I don’t think we should be nice, but making personally denigrating comments about Erik isn’t helping the dialog.
Baul Shack baby Baul Shack.
Please read the whole sentence and you’ll see that I am attempting to be nice about it. (But maybe point No. 5 came through too strongly!)
But I’m afraid THAT was NOT name-calling, it is indeed a truthful statement of my perception. As I said, and I quote, “I think you THINK you are a defender of somethingorother, but you come across as more of a Wanna-Be-Consensus-Houseboy than I think you realize.”
I think that is true and I think he should consider that. I DID NOT say that he IS in fact that way “in his soul” — for that I cannot vouch. I don’t know him that well. But for every Good Thing on his site (and there are many), there is at LEAST one such “off-hand” comment putting him in that position. Listen to the interview and read between the lines, as well. I suspect he “respects” his former teachers and current employers far too much, to put it extremely delicately for your delicate little ears (eyes? since you are reading this?).
Sorry Balzac -I think it describes Erik perfectly….
…Mark, you are one of the handful of good artists who did the project this year -I simply wanted to avoid a list……..
Duncan wants to get in the ring with Jeanne ‘The Spine crushin Machine’ Dunning!!
Jeanne is gonna bring the shit storm Duncan! You better look out!! Jeanne’s gonna take your Zombie Group Huggin ass and tie it in a neat little bow!
Unrelated to the above:
Did anyone see this in Sunday’s Chicago Tribune??,1,5599369.story?coll=chi-leisurearts-hed&ctrack=1&cset=true
Holy cats!! What century are we in?
One response:
Hi Jeff — I have all of the episodes and have posted the one with a review of the Rashid Johnson show at Monique Meloche at
Now, I think a good Jeanne Dunning post is pretty funny but come on she asked me personally to try and cut that stuff out and really… She runs a great school and we should show her some respect.
That said I’m pretty sure she would rip my face off and where my asshole as a hat.
Shark, I should have written with greater clarity. The CAC is not a relevant target in the context of exhibition because it’s not an exhibition venue (website aside) but having a artist service organization is not irrelevant in the context of infrastructure for artists in Chicago and improving conditions for artists in Chicago. I recall attending a few of Paul’s artists’ meetings about the Chicago Artist Foundation (now Chicago Artist Project, I think) and quite a bit of talk about the need to educate artists on marketing, taking charge of their own futures, etc. — all of which CAC does and which is valuable. I don’t remember Paul or others at that time ever mentioning a litmus test to be able to benefit from or take advantage of these kinds of services. I get that you think offering any ability to show work along with providing services somehow takes away from the services unless the work is screened, but everyone starts somewhere, and the CAC is not about separating the chafe from the wheat, nor as a service organization should it be. Giving artists a place to start — in some cases end — whatever stage they are at does not take away from the value of the services to all artists.
NO MORE fake Jeanne Dunning posts. She is not okay with it. And neither are we, I implore you.
Dee -we are somewhat in agreement here -however, due to the fact that the chafe clings closely to CAC -this in turn renders the whole thing suspect……look, most ‘alternative’ art organizations/collectives (and yes, CAC does have a certain collective, egalitarian conceit going on) suffer from the same quality problems your organization does -which is why I have tried to, for my part have Sharkforum be more anarchistic, and, ‘aesthetic’ -like say, Ant Farm was back in the 60’s
-Olga has contacted me recently, wanting to discuss how to improve CAC; well, first, make it more professional -more abouts the be’s than the wannabes….perhaps change the name so it doesn’t sound so damned commie-
And second, perhaps re-think how an organization like CAC should function in the cyber/analog world……
as far as Paul’s CAF -remember Dee, that was a run-amuck version of something Tony Fitz and I started. One of the things that caused it to fall flat on its face was Paul wanting CAF to be all things for all people -with the ‘Cafe’ on the 6th floor -no, wait a minute -that was the 1st floor…my point being, once the inital impetus and ideas -a great many of them mine, were put into a collective like environment, their original dynamics born out of neccesity thus abrogated, it all turned to shit and imploded-
CAF may have imploded as you say because it was trying to do too much, including things that were already being done — ie, lacked focus. Or it may have imploded for other reasons, like lack of capital. Not being involved, I don’t know.
I am not going to argue whether some members of CAC have a collective attitude on exhibition issues. I don’t. I see service organizations like the CAC addressing barriers to entry that individuals may face, especially individuals starting out, by combining resources of their members(ie, member dues) to make information and resources for proceeding as a professional artist largely available, and leaving it then to the individual artists to use the resources and information in plying their own trade on their own merits, come what will.
I am curious to learn your ideas for how an organization like the CAC could function better in the cyber/analog world. Perhaps specifics there are something you could share with Olga.
The SHARK doesn’t have time for specifics!
Specifics would take time away from the SHARK’s busy schedule being the best, most important, most smartest and most under-appreciated artist in Chicago EVER!; and jousting windmills and paper tigers.
Wesley Kimler isn’t specific only to those too dimwitted to read what he actually has to say, which, almost always deals with and discusses issues via specifics, very rarely given to gross generalization.
This is the kind of stupid crap we weed out at sharkforum -btw dummy -Night of The General ….my latest article, have you read it? -where is there anything about that particular piece that is not specific? Is there any specific point I bring up there or, in the ongoing discussion here that you would like to offer an opinion on?
Why don’t you gut up use your real name and answer the question?…..but of course you won’t- cyber cowards never do.
Tigers have an advantage on land …
yes, but sharks never venture forth on land -whereas tiger on occaison do try their paws at swimming…….
Only Wesley Should be posting as Wesley.
We love the fact that this is an open forum to everyone but if it is abused for childish taunts…
Well it will be bad. Really bad.
Actually the apex preditor on land and sea is us, Humans. We kicked the shit out of Tigers and Sharks. Mostly do to thumbs, tools and an ability to kill at a distance. We are bad, very bad. So don’t F with humans.
Damn wrong do. due. Stupid blogosphere.
Yeah, we’ve always prided ourselves on allowing anonymous posting and having a nice and interesting dialog. Please don’t put us in a position where we have Chistopher delete posts that are posted improperly and require sign-up to post. That will suck.
I am begging whoever is doing this to cut it out, you will wreck a nice thing if you don’t stop.
Don’t sweat it Duncan -let this dope make himself look stupid- if there is one characteristic, that anyone with half a brain would note, about how I do formulate my arguments, it is that they are always based upon specificity…..if this anonymous fool can’t figure that out -or at least find some better, less insipid way to attack me -then let him flaunt his stupidity.
Yes, silly tigers … I did not realize you hadn’t posted the message under your name and read it as joking around.
Just curious…I posted a reply to your piece on Sharkforum last week and it never showed up. I thought it backed up your point succinctly.
hmmmm? I have been out of town -perhaps I missed it……
It pertained to the Artadia grants. Are you aware these? If not, check out this link to the Chicago awardees and jurors since 2001. It is funded in part by the Dreihaus foundation. I think you’ll wet your pants (uh…or soil your fins) with laughter after reading the lists.
can you re-send over on the forum?
There are some good some bad on the artadia list.
I wish there were more granting agencies like them.
It would be nice if there was a centralized location for grant info.
BAS or SharkForum should house such a thing.
Hi guys, man do you have a lot of time on your hands…back and forth and back and forth. Anyway, I thought I’d take a break and play some ping-pong too. Thanks for the call, Skarkie. I was totally listening, and like I mentioned – there are things that I can implement and some that I can’t due to the nature of the organization (its mission, goals, and what its mandate is from inception). Of course a watchdog group is a great idea, and we have done this for a long time, discussing these poignant issues in the newspaper and sometimes advocating directly to the people in question. The real problem is that we have not yet really made the work that we do widely known – I’m working on it. Help me out here…
We are doing so many cool things, and will do more. But here’s my principle – I don’t like preconceived ideas nor advancing a specific agenda (except when it comes for encouraging everyone to support Illinois Covered through our mass emails and newspaper). I totally agree, of course, that for Chicago to be an internationally respected cultural center it needs to have several artists that get seen, collected, and talked about throughout the world. And when I say “provide opportunities”, I don’t mean that I believe we are all equally talented, or that everyone deserves a show at Donald Young or wherever. But I totally believe that everyone needs a chance to either make it or break it. If they break it, that’s the nature of how the world turns…And believe me, both the marketplace (which for some is the litmus test for success) and history will be able to judge by themselves.
Yes, you can certainly argue that this and this rich-man consults with this-and-this fashionable curator and that it is all so wrong, but ultimately the work either holds up or not. People are famous one day and perish another, people are not famous one day, and appear out of nowhere. Or people can have astoundingly profitable careers in their city/country, and mean zilch in another. I mean anyway the artworld is crazy – billions of dollars on a Warhol, whatever. The GDP of some countries is less than that and people are dying of hunger and disease and war all over the freakin’ world. But to us it’s less important than who’s the biggest artist in Chicago…For me that’s provincialism.
And here’s what I really think is needed here – not necessarily good artists because we’ve got plenty, but media outlets writing about the artists and art happenings occurring here everyday. Yes, blogging is fine, but like all else, what really counts is the newspaper/magazine. The hard archival stuff. The stuff you can feel in your hand…TimeOut is great, but even better will be the Chicago Art Journal, published by the CAC three times per year, with real criticism, commentary, and analysis of the intersection between art, culture, society, economics, and all that good stuff. And we are looking at getting better writers and more interesting articles for the current Chicago Artists’ News. If you’d like to write for us, I’ll look over your writing samples. We compensate decently. Mark Staff Brandl, where are you? You promised me something…
Ok, so the discourse needs to be turned form who’s the best, to how Chicago can be made relevant to European collectors. Here’s an idea: visibility at Basel and the other major art fairs. OK, all you artists of Chicago unite! Get a booth together (Volta, Armory, all of them) and represent, yo! Just an idea.
Yes, there are some good and bad regarding the awardees. The point is, look at their bios and look at the jurors. Then, go over to the MCA site, look at the 12×12 artists going back to its inception. Again, look at their bios. Read Wesley’s piece on Sharkforum regarding the Dreihaus foundation grant. Do the same… See any kind of pattern? Coincidence, paranoia or curatorially corrupt? Wesley is as right as rain.
I’d love to see more grant opportunities here as well. But who do think would get ’em?
Here’s a great place to look for grants, and though it’s in New York it’s supported in part by the Chicago Dept. of Cultural Affairs. So go get your tax dollars back!
Obviously, it’s not coincidence. One form of validation leads to another leads to another. Duh. Which is not to say there’s not an issue in how the gatekeeping is being done, the agendas of the gatekeeepers, etc. At least Artadia allows open application; other grants are application by invitation only.
As for where to look for grant information, how about trying the CAC, the City of Chicago CAR website, artdeadlines, NYFA, etc; there’s a fair bit of overlap between these sources, but it doesn’t take much time to check them. Sadly, there just are not that many grants available for individual artists; foundations tend to prefer to give to organizations.
I sure as hell wish someone would write Bad at Sports an f-ing check, this show is expensive to produce.
Suggestions for funding sources welcome!!!
[email protected]
Come on, cut the bullshit fake posting and use your REAL names! There is some GREAT discussion going here and it will only degenerate into the typical Myspace, my little home page crap if you do such things. NO fake Jeannes and No fake Wesleys or anybody. I suggest that BAS simply delete all those immediately, with a message that fake post was put up and has now been deleted. It is clear Dunning doesn’t want them and doesn’t post here. That’s her right. Just delete anything with her name unless she personally tells you she sent it. Etc.
Some interesting ideas Olga. Listen to the Shark. I’ll get you something all-theoretical-and-all in the summer. Give me an email directly sometime. Fisrt I have a bunch of other stuff to do until July 1st (some hows, a huge Latin final exam, diss writing, grading my classes in Art History, a cartoon with Hamann, a review for Art in America, a speech, two larger paintings, finish a print, and some more. I promiseeeeeee, but as you see, I’m busy!)
Thanks for the plug Shark. And for the work being hung at Sharkstock. We gotta extend some of that stuff. And the Olga idea of “getting out” elsewhere as in Basel in a group etc. is great to mull over.
Hey at least I finally did another short for BAS!
Balsac-Ballingthejack — you give me and idea —grant info —with criticism of the choices and discussion and compliments and advance info etc. — shouldn’t THAT be a major service at CAC?
I agree, that sounds awesome.
why are there so many weird/fake comments about jeanne dunning on BAS?
I have absolutely no idea whatsoever. At first we actually thought it was Ms. Dunning but it became readily clear that it was not. She has contacted us and we have agreed to try and prevent the practice. Someone out there thinks they are funny.
One of those mysteries.
Speaking of funding for artists…We’re now tossing around ideas for a possible grant program sponsored by Bridge: ideas so far have included awarding a cap of five thou, for instance, for a global travel grant to a Chicago artist and grants to cover booth fees for artist-run and artist collectives galleries to show in the fair. Though at the moment it’s all mere conversation, these kinds of things are very easy for us to do. Any suggestions are welcome.
Oops. Meant to drop the sicko nickname. Gone now. Damn conspicuous lack of editing tools!
Your new nickname is the fucking worst thing ever. Wow.
Two, I love your ideas for Bridge giving back. BAS should host a poll for you or something.
mediocre are the paintings that are hugest in scale here in town. funny, cause i thought ed moses had taste. guess again!
I’ll trust Ed over you ‘Billy’ -his comment to me was -“thwere are about 5 or artists I really respect in this world Wesley -you are one of them”-but then again Ed is a world class painter who would actually know what he is talking about -not a little mediocre, resentful piss ant like yourself-
I’ll trust Ed over you ‘Billy’ -his comment to me was -â€there are about 5 or 6 artists I really respect in this world Wesley -you are one of themâ€-but then again Ed is a world class painter who would actually know what he is talking about -not a little mediocre, resentful little piss ant like yourself-
now how are you making ends meet?…schlepping other peoples paintings around in a warehouse isn’t that it?……and why would I know that? Easy: all resentful losers like you sound exactly alike and have the same basic job description- funny enough.
We offer a comprehensive listing of grants, fellowships, residencies, etc. If you are a member, our services are almost endless. And we offer access to an emergency fund, through an application process.
We also conduct workshops on how to write a grant proposal, for those who are not super savvy.
Workman, go forth with your idea. What are you waiting for? That’s great. And probably extremely basic for the scholarships to Bridge Fair – Blackman used to do this by invitation only type thing.
But everything of that sort will be divisive because it will exclude another.
I have also requested that the DCA email/send the CAC all their call for entries for public art commissions.
Would you guys stop being snobby and actually go to the site and see what we offer? And once you actually see what there is, then comment and provide me with feedback on what we could do more of, but not before. That’s totally useless.
Also, Michael Pajon: a huge correction is in order. The Department of Cultural Affairs does not fund NYFA, unless it pays some sort of commission to get access to all the content that NYFA publishes. NYFA is the model for CAR, and CAR works with NYFA to get NYFA content onto CAR.
I see what you mean, Michael. I just checked their website to see what you were referring to. They are probably getting $$ from the DCA to access their regional database, and probably beef it up. The CAC has been compiling its list for a while…
Billy doesn’t work in a warehouse. Billy doesn’t tolerate bullshit, either. Licking ass and taking names to sell oversized noodling to rich people with bad taste is far different than kicking ass and taking names, now isn’t it?
Holy Crap! I leave for Jamaica for a few days and the blog goes crazy!
True Dat: MLB and I have a kick ass commentary on the art world coming out soon, look for it.
CAC: I used to be a member, and they are very good at letting up coming artists know how to navigate the “Chicago art world” up to an extent. They provide some good info (via a newsletter/newspaper ) about galleries who are looking for artists, as well as giving artists a website to show their stuff.
That being said, I’m not a member anymore…
I do think the Shark is an accomplished artist and deserves respect. Anonymous posters are crap, and are going to get 3X the amount of crap they shovel out.
Billy is pathetic and stupid -first of all anyone with half a brain knows how rigorous and disciplined my paintings are- along with also being gestural -Billy boy is just another punk who doesn’t know what he’s talking about -and sorry Billy boy there are a whole lot of poor people along with a lot of rich people and people in between that seem pretty interested in what I do -so why don’t you take your loser self elsewhere -for the simple reason that you are a bore and sound like every other generic loser who just can’t cut it.