This week we talk to the artists and curator of the stellar new show at Monique Meloche, Chronic: Handmade Nightmares in Red, Yellow and Blue.

Duncan, Richard and Amanda together again interview Fendry Ekel, Dylan Graham, Fokert de Jong, and curator Astrid Honold. Exciting conversation, interesting insight, talk about the many meanings of “chronic”. Fun times!!!

ALSO THIS WEEK: The Duncan haircut poll. Be sure to go to and vote on Whether or not Duncan should get a haircut. The fate of the world is in your hands.

Also! Those of you in the drawing school we frequently discuss on the show, sharpen your pencils!

Fendry Ekel
Dylan Graham
Folkert de Jong
Astrid Honold
Monique Meloche
Rietveld Academy
Millenium Hilton
Paul Gauguin
Vincent van Gogh
Home Depot
Piet Mondrian
Mies van der Rohe
Dow Chemical
Edvard Munch
Mark Rothko
Barnett Newman
Ad Reinhardt
Lawrence of Arabia
George W. Bush
BBC News
CNN News
Whitney Tassie

Direct download: Bad_at_Sports_Episode_75-Meloche_Chonic.mp3

Christopher Hudgens