This episode is full of drama and mystery. Is this the middle of the end? Will Duncan and Richard ever work together again? Is the closing to this week’s show the saddest thing ever on a podcast? Are squid the new deer?
This week Clare Britt from Fraction Workspace returns and discusses La Biennale di Venezia with Duncan and Joanna. Listen closely and you too can be on the cusp of the hot new trends.
Our new Washington D.C. correspondent Katy Chang checks in from the San Diego Comicon. She is the only other JD/MFA we’ve ever met. It’s like Highlander, eventually she will have to duel Richard to the death. There can be only one.
AND, if that weren’t enough action, Joanna and Terri discuss Douglas Coupland’s book Hey Nostradamus!: A Novel. A high school shooting in Vancouver, I thought our neighbors to the north were pacifists.
The closing is the saddest thing ever on Bad at Sports, weep for Duncan.
Clare Britt
Fraction Workspace
La Biennale di Venezia
Douglas Coupland’s Hey Nostradamus!
Robert Storr
Guggenheim Museum
Damien Hirst
Francois Pinault Collection
Gerhard Richter
Bruce Nauman
Giuseppe Penone
Sharon Stone
Courtney Love
Robert Ryman
Sigmar Polke
Jasper Johns
Jeff Koons
Ellsworth Kelly
Peggy Guggenheim
Barnett Newman
Paolo Canevari
Felix Gonzalez-Torres
Joshua Mosley
Yang Fudong
Sophie Calle
Tracy Emin
Andrey Bartenev
Marko Mäetamm
Charles Gaines
Elizabeth Murray
Calvin Reid
Lisa Cartwright
Betty-Sue Hertz
Jody Culkin
Direct download: Bad_at_Sports_Episode_106_Squid-the_new_deer.mp3
- Episode 896: Beth Hetland and Kyle O’Connell - March 13, 2025
- Episode 895: Emma Bergman - March 6, 2025
- Episode 894: Hoof Print Press & Immaterial Publications - March 4, 2025
It’s Coupland, not Copeland. A quickie for those who’ve read the book.
Chris can you fix this, my bad.
No …… skulls are the new deer. However, squid may be the new chandelier.
Skulls are so 2006.
Man, Duncan sounds dangerous. I don’t blame Richard for the restraining order.
Duncan is out of control and I’m hoping he gets himself together and we can work together again soon. The whole “garage incident” has been a problem.
I would be careful of Duncan– here and there you here about a Cannuck getting a snoot full and stacking – asses somewhere ….. maybe Richard’s house…
I’m not sure what that means, but I am now even more scared than I was before. I way have to quit BAS and go into hiding.
Canadians: It’s all that time spent in cold, snow-blanketed regions. Hey — though, — that sounds like Chicago too. And Switzerland. I’m scared about us all. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
I’m afraid that BAS is starting to come apart at the seams. FIrst Mike Benedetto (spelling?) has his moment a few shows back, no Duncan requires a rubber truck, Richard has seemingly been in need of some professional help all along, Amanda has fled, this is all very Shakespearean.
I know what you mean Balz– you look up at the end of Macbeth …. and everyone has caught the bus….. BAS does seem to be having some leaky-boat-type issues here …. Richard …. Man-Up!
Hey… that Turner Prize deal… what do you win ?… is it like a plaque?…. or do they actally give you some scratch?
I’m kind of the mind that awards are bullshit– unless they give you some cash…. cash is good….
You know I love you, but I’ll take you and that Canadian madman on at the same time.
We would never fight you. We love you too much. And this city loves you.
Your second closest companion.
PS. I’m watching you right now.
Oh and the Turner is worth something like 10000 pounds or maybe 20000 by now.
Seriously 500 yards, don’t make me call the police, again.
Duncan…. we got him right where we want him……..
Hey …. I think me and Benedetto should review ‘The Brave One’ for BAS….it’s the new Jodie Foster ‘Deathwish’-type vigilante movie … Jodie Foster with a gun … just the thought of it gives me a stiffo……
I greatly admire the title “ Think with the Senses-Feel with the mind: Art in the present tense†. Elizabeth Murray is a great example of an artist who creates work that moves seamlessly between emotional, sensual painting and very smart, conceptual work. But, I want to also point out that Elizabeth Murray is exactly the kind of art that seems most needed in the world right now. It is art in the “present tense†art that is most urgent. When Ms. Murray was diagnosed with terminal cancer that had metastasized into her brain she took up on of her largest and greatest paintings. Not to show the world that she could still make epic, huge paintings even in the face of death; but instead because she loved living. As Carrol Dunham said about Murray’s work it is an “Accurate reflection of what is means to be alive…†She gave this late masterpiece the title “Do the Dance†and it has as much music and live in it as “Broadway Boogie Woogieâ€â€”except with Murray you sense the urgency and joy even more clearly.
While I wasn’t wild about Murray’s work, I have to show my respect to her for a long and successful and highly active career that was cut far too short.
Well said Justin– Murray was always her own artist; as distinctive as a fingerprint…