Bad at Sports Base Camp @ ThreeWalls

In addition to recasting creative types’ lack of ability (or interest, really) in athletics as an unassailably cool attribute, local artists and podcasters Amanda Browder, Richard Holland, and Duncan MacKenzie of Bad at Sports have galvanized the expansive Chicago art scene with their weekly interviews, reviews, ruminations, and shenanigans. In the first of an experimental series of residencies (Fri 10.20 – Fri 11.24) for “site-less” artists and projects, ThreeWalls gallery hosts the BaS team as it records live interviews with artist Kerry James Marshall, gallerist Rhona Hoffman, and MCA curator Franceso Bonami. The group also moderates salons on Chicago art and its place in the art world at large, kicking off the BaS Book Club with a discussion about Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray and exhibiting a “map” of the local art scene, with all its eccentric and interconnected characters.


Christopher Hudgens