This week is an almost completely Richard free show! Duncan and Terri talk to giant of consciousness W.J.T. Mitchell about his book What Do Pictures Want? : The Lives and Loves of Images. Also, they discuss how kissing is sucking on a several hundred yard long tube with feces at the end.
Mike Benedetto gives us a 30 second movie review. Duncan talks to Vanessa Chafen about Bridge-Miami. Kathryn Born talks to Brian Shannon about the auction extravaganza coming up.
Also this week’s show answers the question, why name a dog Yummy?
DON’T FORGET: Events this week at Three Walls Gallery, Tuesday night 7:00 we record a live interview with Rhona Hoffman, come with your questions! Friday night 7:00, another fantastic panel discussion with Hamza Walker, Paul Klein, Lisa Dorin and Michelle Grabner!!!
W.J.T. Mitchell
Bridge Art Fair Miami ’06
Michelle Grabner
Paul Klein
Hamza Walker
Lisa Dorin
Francesco Bonami
University of Chicago
Critical Inquiry
Tony Oursler
Barbara Kruger
Grizzly Man
Me and You and Everyone We Know
Gustav Klimt
Pablo Picasso
Andy Warhol
Willem de Kooning
Roy Lichtenstein
Mark Rothko
Carl Andre
Richard Prince
Cecily Brown
Jenny Saville
Yoshitomo Nara
Martin Eder
Francis Bacon
Chuck Close
Brett Gorvy
Bloch-Bauer family Klimts
Donald Judd
Steve Wynn
Paul Cézanne
Amedeo Modigliani
Egon Schiele
Einzelne Hauser
Direct download: Bad_at_Sports_Episode_62_WJT_Mitchell.mp3
- Episode 891: Dawit L. Petros & Onur Öztürk – Prospetto a Mare - February 5, 2025
- Episode 890: Kris Graves and Have a Nice Day Press - January 29, 2025
- Episode 889: Meg Duguid and Spudnik Press - January 23, 2025
Well crap, now that the auction market is gone up I need to dump my art collection and get out while the getting is good.
I haven’t listened to this weeks show yet, but the comment about kissing makes me wonder if someone is listening to The Show with Ze Frank as he made this observation a few weeks ago. Either way, his daily video blog is worth a viewing.
…or maybe Ze read the book.
Great interview! I think Duncan did a really good job interviewing W J T Mitchell. It was really insightful and interesting to hear Mitchell’s ideas, and the conversation that developed around the ideas was great too.
I love you. Never leave me again.
This guy gets paid to spout such drivel?
Why does this guy sound like me!?
This guy Mike Benedetto that is.
There are no end of people who get paid to spout drivel. Phyllis what is your objection to this particular bunch of “drivel”?
It’s low-brow, 2nd graders’ pabulum dispersed as wisdom for a supercilious audience. How indulgent.
What does kissing entrails have to do anything with looking at a pictures (besides the only example of icons)? Mitchell sounds more like an artist than a historian. Which is fine – it’s fun to make things up. It just requires an appropriate context.
art theory is an aborted middle-aged dinosaur (see picture).
Duncan and Terri did a great job! WJTM’s books can be quite stimulating. He is also one of the few “Theorists” (with a capital T), who has evolved away from the “linguistic turn” into a “pictorial” one — hence perhaps the first edge of the wave which will undue the (now superficially accepted consensus) theorists of word-over-visuality. That is to be applauded.
Strong Bad, I am honored. I am a big fan.
Can anyone tell me what the name of the song played for the intro to this episode is? Also, why don’t you guy give credit to the bands who’s music you use?
Hmm… sweet! [*../nice_site2.txt*]