Reviews galore! We go to 92 shows in Pilsen with Liz Armstrong, we appear live without a net at the Steppenwold Theater for the Third Coast Festival and Chicago Public Radio, Brian Andrews reviews Scott Reader and other stuff, Amanda and Duncan review more stuff, and Amanda talks about going to NYC and what she saww at the Armoury.

Three Walls
Liz Armstrong
Catalog of Ships
Whitney Museum
Love and Radio
Gapers Block
David Elfings
Back to the Lab/Radio Lab
Julie Shapiro
Dubhe Carreno Gallery
Denis Lee Mitchell
Michael Goro
4 Arts
Matthew Thomas Grimaldi
Moka Gallery
Chicago Art Department
Go Go Video
Jhonmar Radames
Scott Reeder
Tyson Reeder
Jack Hanley
Meg Duguid
Laugh In
Goldie Hawn
Andrea Cohen
Ryan Swanson
Michael Andrews
Nathan Redwood
Loul Samater
Clinton King
The Armory Show
Diva Art Fair
Pulse Art Fair
Scope Art Fair
Nova Art Fair
Michael Workman
Tony Fitzpatrick
Joan Livingston
Anne Wilson
Barry McGee
Dietch Projects
Rhona Hoffman
Kavi Gupta

Direct download: Bad_at_Sports__Episode_29_talk_talk_talk.mp3

Christopher Hudgens