by Christopher Hudgens | Dec 31, 2006 | Blog Duncan and Terri talk to James Elkins about his books, criticism and more! Mike Benedetto provides an utterly hilarious movie review and public service announcement. From Mr....
by Christopher Hudgens | Dec 24, 2006 | Podcast Duncan and Richard interview art superstar Gavin Turk!!!As set forth in Wikipedia:Gavin Turk (born 1967) is a British artist and one of the Young British Artists (YBAs). He often uses...
by Christopher Hudgens | Dec 17, 2006 | Podcast BAS vs. Miami. This week the recap of Bad at Sports’ trip to Miami Basel. We open with words of advice from BAS. Then we talk to see, review and mumble about the goings on in...
by Christopher Hudgens | Dec 10, 2006 | Podcast This week Duncan and Richard talk to Tony Feher about his work and installation at The Suburban in Oak Park. The following is shamelessly lifted from the Worcester Art...
by Christopher Hudgens | Dec 3, 2006 | Podcast This week we talk to Susan F. Rossen, Executive Director of Publications at the Art Institute of Chicago about the new show at Corbett vs. Dempsey: Joseph Friebert, Fred...