Sub-Rural #43, Katie Geha at Tandem

Sub-Rural #43, Katie Geha at Tandem

Tandem Press at the University of Wisconsin, Madison is one of the premier art presses in a nation full of outstanding art presses, with or without academic affiliations.  Founded in 1987 by the indefatigable faculty printmaker William Weege, it grew to prominence...
Sub-Rural # 42, Patricia Villalobos Echeverría

Sub-Rural # 42, Patricia Villalobos Echeverría

The American Nicaraguan Patricia Villalobos Echeverría resides in Kalamazoo, Michigan. She  has a mature multi-disciplinary body of work based on matters of public media, gender perception, the elasticity of collective memory, migration, and the consequences of war....
Sub-Rural # 41, Willie Cole, “Perceptual Engineer”

Sub-Rural # 41, Willie Cole, “Perceptual Engineer”

Willie Cole’s sculpture, much of which consists of thousands of discarded, often obsolete objects, including his famed low-vamp womens’ pumps, expand the concept of Pop collage by a mile deploying the morphology of tribal art and design. His flat works, “scorches,”...
Sub-Rural #40, Rebecca Kautz

Sub-Rural #40, Rebecca Kautz

Rebecca Kautz’s solo painting show at Madison’s Art Lit Lab combines an idiosyncratic exploration of personal subjects buried in a palpable vernacularism that seems to be composed by the way images are spoken – a sort of soluble concrete poetry. What’s remarkable is...
Sub-Rural #39, Paul Catanese

Sub-Rural #39, Paul Catanese

“My work as a hybrid media artist results in projects that are expressed through multi-modality.” Paul Catanese employs intricate studio customs and explores a wealth of media platforms. He uses a radically combinative critical practice to uncover psychological and...