download This week Mark Staff Brandl interviews ex-pat artist Leonard Bullock.
Originally from North Carolina and New York City, Bullock has lived in Europe for the last 15 years, frequently exhibiting in Switzerland and Germany. He was often involved in significant events of the artworld in important locations, including starting an artist run gallery in the 80s in NYC, assisting Leon Golub and more, thus making him the source of a wealth of interesting anecdotes and unique criticisms.
Bullock is a painters’ painter especially in his mark-making; his direct facture has influenced many better-known contemporaries. He often paints on surprising surfaces such as fiberglass or silk and includes text and images with pure abstraction.
In the “outro” to this weeks show, Duncan defends the good name of Joseph Mohan, against Richard’s inappropriate commentary.
Leonard Bullock
Rudolf Zwirner
David Zwirner
Basel Art Fair
Flaying of Marsyas
Giorgione, La Tempesta
Accademia Venice
Paolo Veronese
Milton’s Satan
David Reed
Feminism and Deconstruction
High Times, Hard Times
Katy Siegel
Ralph Humphrey
Paul Feeley
Jack Whitten
Keith Sonnier
AC Project Room
Paul Bloodgood
Mary Heilmann
William Conger
Louise Fishman
Jo Baer
Donald Judd
Peter Paul Rubens, The Little Fur
Prado Museum
Art in America
Greg Kwiatek
Phil Berkman
Willem DeKooning
Jackson Pollock
Marcel Duchamp
Harold Bloom misprision
Shaun Belcher
Donald Kuspit
Katsushika Hokusai
Utagawa Hiroshige
Paul Cézanne, The Black Clock
Leon Golub
Harold Rosenberg
Paul Tillich
Kulturhaus Markgräflerhof
- Episode 895: Emma Bergman - March 6, 2025
- Episode 894: Hoof Print Press & Immaterial Publications - March 4, 2025
- Episode 893: Cecilia Beaven - February 19, 2025
Here is a blurb Leonard wrote as an addition to the one above (written by MSB and Richard).
Mark and I are such rare birds over here that we are often causing a
stir. Americans are so much more likely to speak out and it was just our luck to be, even as Americans, rather opinionated.
Believe me this is not the best attribute for Switzerland.
We’ve done a number of back and forth art review/critic chatter which
was fairly comprehensive because together we’ve covered a lot of territory; we’re sort of art gym rats. {Maybe gallery/museum/artfair rats would be more to the point.}
We have also retained an attitude of excitement for painting as the
source of much expression, conception, and imagination in the visual arts; source and potential for the future, which has never wavered.
What little of my Vitæ I’d like to mention is that in 1986 I showed
with Rudolf Zwirner in Cologne; in 1990 I was in Chris Dercon’s
selection of Special Projects at P.S. Museum; & in 2008 I showed with
David Zwirner Gallery in N.Y. There’ve been many other shows I’ve been
proud to be a part of, but
this evening these arise in my memory.
These comments are mine, and I’d like them added. I’d like to add that
Mark and I will be making another, probably two exchanges, so if
this one was of interest please be on the lookout for the second.
Interesting show. Lousy sound quality.
Hi Balzie, thanks and sorry. This has happened to me a few times recently with the sound. I need interviewees who don’t back away from their own mics or get quieter everytime I push it nearer. How about next time Leonard?!
I hope enough people come to this interview now with the namedrops, even if the mailing didn’t go out.
I am looking for my Salem classmate, Margaret Blakeney Bullock. We are having our class reunion spring 2010. I don’t know if she is interested in coming, but I would enjoy finding her as she was a very dear friend.
PS…your paintings are wonderful!