
This week, Kathryn sits down with Olga Stefan, editor of CAC’s Prompt Journal, and Jason Foumberg, Art Editor of New City. Together, they discuss/debate/debunk the recent talk about the Chicago art scene being dead and accusations about a lack of discussion in this city. Kathryn whips out the math, proposing that if the Chicagoland population comprises 1/700 earthlings on the planet, aren’t we adequately represented in the global art world market?

Jason also discusses the Chicago Art Critics Association group project coming up at Ispace.

Richard continues the official campaign of contrition for Duncan’s crimes against Lauren Vallone.

Lastly, our low-impact pledge drive continues, please help out if you can!!!
Chicago Art Critics Association
Alicia Eler
New Art Examiner
Chicago Artist’s News
The Reader
Chicago Theater
Derek Guthrie
Michael Workman
Tony Fitzpatrick
Rhona Hoffman
New York Times
Roberta Smith
Natalie van Stratten
Chicago Artists Resource
Art Now

Christopher Hudgens
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