Duncan and guest host Shannon Stratton talk to Lisa Stone curator of the Roger Brown study collection about what a kickass resource it is and what you can do, by simply clicking a mouse, to help save it.
Kathryn Born checks in from the Hyde Park Art Center about their current show.
Coming soon! Jim Elkins, Judy Ledgerwood, Dominic Molon on rock, Lee Bontecou, Tony Fitzpatrick versus Mike Benedetto and ever so much more!!!
Through a series of gifts and bequests The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) has become the primary repository of the personal, intellectual, and artistic effects of alumnus Roger Brown. His generosity to the School included a remarkable group of paintings and prints. Brown’s gift of paintings is organized into two groups: the Roger Brown Permanent Collection, a study collection of works that are available for study and exhibition, and the Roger Brown Estate Collection of Paintings and Prints. Works from the Estate Collections are offered for sale to museums and private collectors, and are available for loan to museum exhibitions. Proceeds from the sale of paintings and prints provide a major source of operating support for the Roger Brown Study Collection.
SAIC is in the unique position to share a wealth of artistic, personal, and intellectual resources from the RBSC Archive with collectors and institutions considering loans or purchases. The RBSC Archive includes Brown’s sketchbooks from early/student years to the early 1990s. From these we can often provide images from Brown’s creative process for a specific work or art, or a time frame in Brown’s career. We can often provide provenance, exhibition and publication histories, and at times we can find references to specific works or ideas in Brown’s writings.
Lisa Stone
Roger Brown study collection
Hyde Park Art Center
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Shannon Stratton Three Walls
Anne McGuire Associates
Historic Artist Homes and Studios
Michael X Ryan
Russell Bowman
National Trust and American Express, Partners in Preservation
Unity Temple
Robie House
Great Lakes Naval Building
The Water Tower at Bohemian National Cemetery
The Smart Museum
Elmhurst College
The Barnes Foundation
Henry Darger
Jim Nut
Phyllis Kind Gallery
Lisa Barense
Stephanie Brooks
Lucy Baxandall
Brian Dettmer
Buzz Spector
Kathryn Kucera
Material Exchange
Mark Rospenda
Rhonda Wheatley
Damien Hirst
Direct download: Bad_at_Sports_Episode_109-Roger_Brown.mp3
- Episode 895: Emma Bergman - March 6, 2025
- Episode 894: Hoof Print Press & Immaterial Publications - March 4, 2025
- Episode 893: Cecilia Beaven - February 19, 2025
Save Our RBSC!!!! Register and Vote here…
What is the RBSC?
Roger Brown Study Collection
I haven’t heard the podcast yet — is the RBSC in danger of going away?
No, they are via-ing for a 50,000 grant for building repairs but they are in an “american idol” style vote off with 24 other chicago-land landmarks preserved by the national trust. Only 13 get funded and the roger brown study collection is on the cusp. We need to make sure it stays on there. Although not a total glimps into our past the collection preserves the early Imagist world with a significant collection of Chicago Artists and Midwestern Outsider Artists.
So I guess “save” was extreme. “Help” would be better. So, HELP our Roger Brown Study Collection vote today.
Oh and you can and should vote everyday.
will do….
welcome to the the tony and duncan chat room!
i figured i would jump in, i was talking about tony fitzpatrick and his drawings/prints the other day with my drawing class, i was showing some images from that last book of drawings (they love the images) and i was talking about how in your slide talk (at the u of iowa in the late nineties) that you talked passionately about not using the word “outsider.” talking about “outsider” vs “insider” led to a great discussion in the class. i also retold the story about how at the reception following the talk at the Keith Achopol’s house that tony said “guys, you know what the key to working with dealers is? every-time you talk to them you act like you’re about to punch them right in the face.” my students love that story too.
thanks for the great shows, keep up the great work.
long live bad at sports.
I know where are the regulars, Balzac, Bill Dolan, the scattered others?
I always listen on Fridays, so at the end of the week. Then I comment, thus late, unless there is a big drawn-out fight. Did you get my Documenta/Biennale review? I’ll be sending a longer contribution soon made with my art history students about the Rolf Ricke Collection at the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein (we make it this Friday).
Well, I wasn’t so hyped about this show. I’m glad the Roger Brown house is there but not much to discuss here. Yes RBSC is nice, yes people should vote to save it… and that Kathryn story sounded like it was recorded in a hail storm.
I can’t keep the dialog moving all the time.
Sorry, I’ve been busy voting for the Brown Collection. It’s amazing how Chicago artists quickly fade away after having a great career or even a great couple of decades. This collection, plus efforts by DePaul’s art museum and Corbett vs. Dempsey are helping this city deal with its amnesia toward its art history.
Thanks for a great show!
You know, the RBSC is great, but $20 is a rip. $20 for the MOMA is a rip, and they have a mammoth space with a huge collection of international blahblah. $10 for a movie is a rip, and Miramax doesn’t have an educational mission. I am so tired of ridiculous jacked-up museum admission; wtf do they think will go to these things if they have to pay a bunch of money? Who would go more than once? How can I *study* something at $20 a peep? If we’re trying to get people excited about shit like art, especially people who aren’t necessarily up to their armpits in it already, shouldn’t we make the bar to entry a bit lower?
just a thought from your local curmudgeon.
Anyhow, anybody wants a hi-res scan of an SAIC or AIC ID, just let me know.
I also fear that there are some other, perhaps more pressing, candidates for grant money on the site. The Russian Orthodox church is a architecturally significant building with no clear connection to a larger funding structure (ie the schooluseum, in RBSC’s case) that is really falling the hell apart. I’ve seen it in person, and it looks like it got beat with a stick.
As Lisa seemed to imply, there are so many things wrong with this ‘vote for your favorite thing!’ structure. Not that the house isn’t a great thing and worthy of support… but i wish there were some way to say “hey, these five things seem like they are worth supporting, why don’t you spread it around”. And it would be nice if I could see the amount everybody is asking for: The viking ship is definitely worth some money, but what if they want the whole pot? Or if $100,000 would prevent the viking ship from imploding, that would be worth it, while $25,000 to repaint bits of it a shinier gold would be not worth it.
Bad poorly-thought-out token pseudo-democratic web-interaction! Bad!
Wow the new Reader format utterly sucks. How much longer until that POS goes under. It has been a rapid decline.
segue says what?
Good luck RBSC!
It’s sounds terrible about the Orthodox Church. I went there when I was studying Russian Art History way back. It was beautiful! I hope it gets some funding too. The only thing that bothers me is why it all has to be so “Star Search/American Idol/Deutschland Sucht den Superstar” shit with voting and all. I understand competition, but such competition is not real, only invented to create losers (not winners really). Art and culture are neither gambling nor sport.