Louise Bourgeois 1911-2010

Louise Bourgeois 1911-2010

Louise Bourgeois passed away Monday in New York’s Beth Israel Medical Center at the age of 98 two days after a heart attack. Her collection of work is widely known, diverse, fun and she will be missed. Louise who was inducted into the U.S. National Women’s...
Episode 246: Steven Rand

Episode 246: Steven Rand

http://traffic.libsyn.com/badatsports/Bad_at_Sports_Episode_246-Steven_Rand.mp3 download This week, Duncan, Amanda and Tom talk to artist Steven Rand, who is the founder and Executive Director of apexart in New York. If you are in or around NYC this is the last week...

Episode 245: Painters/Painting panel at apexart

http://traffic.libsyn.com/badatsports/Bad_at_Sports_Episode_245-BAS_painting_panel.mp3 download Painter and Bad @ Sports NYC correspondent, Tom Sanford will moderate a panel of 5 other painters who will talk about painting. Kamrooz Aram, Holly Coulis, David Humphrey,...
Brooklyn Hospital Takes Art For Healthcare

Brooklyn Hospital Takes Art For Healthcare

Woodhull Hospital in Brooklyn is letting artists of all stripes pay for their medical bills by trading “credits” they earn by donating their skills & time to patients in recovery. The program called “Artist Access”  was born last year,...