Dubya The Singing Cowboy?

Dubya The Singing Cowboy?

With less then 10 months left to his term in office President Bush made an unexpected performance at his last attendance of the annual Gridiron Club Dinner. Donning a Stetson hat he proceeded to sing a cowboy’s lament in the tune of “Green Green Grass of...
Tracy Emin’s Stupid Project

Tracy Emin’s Stupid Project

It seems as if I am only going to make posts about Tracy Emin. Here is the most recent news of Emin’s escapades . “Artist Tracey Emin has spent millions on buying a large part of a historic quarter of East London, in an attempt to halt the tide of...

The Kentucky Fried Onion Movie?

Based out of the University of Wisconsin-Madison “The Onion” is one of the leading, if not now the leading weekly satire publications and has now seen fit to give the spiritual sequel to “The Kentucky Fried Movie” which if you have not yet seen...
Art is giving Mickey Mouse a Headache

Art is giving Mickey Mouse a Headache

Pop artist Claes Oldenburg best known for his simple and iconic works of 4 story clothes pins and cherry laden spoons is appearing in court as one of the defendants in a lawsuit placed by the House of Mouse. Back in 2003 the Disney Co. contracted Mr. Oldenburg, his...