Wednesday Clips for 8/19/09

Wednesday Clips for 8/19/09

Ready, set, go: *The Victorian Poetic Home. *The story behind Klan-themed Quilts. *How to practice green visual criticism (via The Groundswell Blog). *Most major art museums are still dramatically lacking diversity. *Love, love love this: Little People: a Tiny Street...

UCLA’s Arts Library Threatened With Closure

First LACMA’s film program, now UCLA’s arts library. Although the former is more high-profile, the latter is an equally precious cultural resource that’s now at risk of closure. Over the weekend, the Los Angeles Times reported that UCLA is...

Tuesday’s Video Pick

This week’s pick features Olafur Eliasson discussing the importance of model making for his show, Take Your Time, currently on view at the MCA. Take Your Time will be up until September 13th. 220 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, Illinois
Wherefore Art Thou, Sound Art?

Wherefore Art Thou, Sound Art?

Heard any good Sound Art lately? I sure haven’t. I did, however, download a pretty amazing iPhone app today, and it’s made me wonder if the rise of augmented reality apps like this one will ultimately signal the end of institutionalized (i.e....
The International Museum of Surgical Science

The International Museum of Surgical Science

Tucked away in an elegant, chateau-style lakefront mansion facing Lake Michigan, The International Museum of Surgical Science is a sparkly gem of a niche museum that delivers a solid lesson on the history and development of surgical practices with just the right...