Obsolescent Performance: Tercer Cuerpo/Timbre 4 at the MCA

Obsolescent Performance: Tercer Cuerpo/Timbre 4 at the MCA

Tercer Cuerpo,the claustrophobic experimental play by Argentinian company Timbre 4 opening at the MCA next weekend, takes place, according to director Claudio Tolcachir, in “an office that doesn’t have any more reason for being, its services have no meaning.” ...
Top 5 Weekend Picks! (9/27-9/29)

Top 5 Weekend Picks! (9/27-9/29)

1. The American Dream: The (W)holy Grail presented by 6018North Work by Christine Tarkowski, Jason Reblando, LaMont Hamilton, Kirsten Leenaars, Lise Haller Baggesen Ross, Vincent Tiley, Erol Scott Harris II, Macon Reed, Chicago Studio, and more. 6018North’s...
Artist Profile: Ernesto Pujol

Artist Profile: Ernesto Pujol

As a young art student in the late 90’s, I attended a talk given by Ernesto Pujol at RISD, where he presented his then-current project: an installation of Nazi-era porcelain as a commentary on whiteness, purity, and the attendant relationship these meanings have to...
John Preus: Slow Sound

John Preus: Slow Sound

IT’S WITH MILD trepidation that I’m posting the essay I wrote for the upcoming John Preus show I curated for the Experimental Sound Studio (ESS) below. I say this chiefly because John’s own lyrical prose, posted here yesterday, is a very tough act...
Amanda Browder Says “Good Morning”

Amanda Browder Says “Good Morning”

Please join Amanda Browder for the unveiling of her new fabric installation sponsored by Fourth Arts Block (FABnyc) www.fabnyc.org FAB FESTIVAL / OPENING SATURDAY SEPT. 28th 1-5pm LOCATION:  East 4th Street (btwn Bowery and 2nd Ave) - NYC INSTALLED FRIDAY EVE...