Take the Green Line to Nantes

Take the Green Line to Nantes

Guest post by Lise McKean Voyage à Nantes, until August 31, 2014   Thanks to my husband who’s from the Atlantic coast of France, I’m a regular visitor to Nantes, a city the size of Boston on the estuary of the Loire River. I just got back from there...
Mo Problems: One View of Twin Cities

Mo Problems: One View of Twin Cities

I cannot read the news at night any more. I lay awake in the fading heat filled with outrage, sadness, my heart breaking with lives destroyed, communities torn apart, people disempowered and displaced. I have been dreaming of death, loved ones suddenly gone as I sit...
Less is More: Zelda, Metroid, OlliOlli, and the Rhythm Demake

Less is More: Zelda, Metroid, OlliOlli, and the Rhythm Demake

In his 2012 essay “Saving Zelda,” Tevis Thompson takes the Legend of Zelda series—of which he is a lifelong fan—to task. “Zelda sucks, and it has sucked for a long time,” he writes, not so much as to incite fan rage, but to lay what we all maybe suspect on the table:...
Middle Class Aspirations in the Studio

Middle Class Aspirations in the Studio

It must have been some late summer day, when there was finally enough to eat and most of the larger predators were sleeping in the shade still digesting lunch, that some enterprising neanderthal looking for a new hovel chanced upon something exciting and new, yet...