Licking The Boot That Kicks Us

Licking The Boot That Kicks Us

Last month, on January 6th, I published in this blog a column entitled, “Chilling Me Softly.” The topic, generally, was about censorship, about the intentional cultivation of censorship as a promotional strategy, and about the the subsequent chilling...
What You Should Have Noticed in January

What You Should Have Noticed in January

Hey, long time no see. I skipped December’s article due to several factors, most important among them the glacial pace of art news around the holidays. The only notes on my list were clickbate bullshit: the sentencing of Andrew Shannon, who punched a hole through a...
Top 5 Weekend Picks! (1/30-2/1)

Top 5 Weekend Picks! (1/30-2/1)

1. g(URL)_FREAX at Church of Templehead Curated by Paula Nacif, James Theophilos and Nu Evil, with work by Lal Avgen, Mouthy Women (Olive Stefanski + Magritte Nankin), James Theophilos, Codi Suzanne Oliver, nu Evil, Paula Nacif, Jane Rawl?ngs, Anna Russett, Yaloopop,...
Top 5 Weekend Picks!

Top 5 Weekend Picks!

1. when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail at The Chicago Cultural Center Work by Alison Ruttan. The Chicago Cultural Center is located at 78 E. Washington St. Reception Friday, 5:30-7:30pm. 2. Untitled (Just Kidding) at The Logan Center for the...
From the Road: Outside In

From the Road: Outside In

The highway passes quickly through Summerville, Georgia. The roadsides fill with small houses, businesses, and the ghosts of fastfood architecture. It is easy to miss the turn to Paradise Gardens. The houses that surround Howard Finster’s home, installation, and...